If by chance - Chapter 17 - Nachsie (2024)

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If by chance - Chapter 17 - Nachsie (1)

Dean’s POV - Three Months Together:

Dean sat at his easel painting in nothing but jeans. The house smelled of cookies since Castiel had just finished baking them not too long ago. Living in Benny’s summer home alone in this isolation was maybe what they both needed. Castiel still had his job, much to Castiel’s surprisem*nt. Figuring punching Benny the three times he did would have got him the pink slip. However, Benny jabbed that Castiel punched like a bottom and was fine. Benny cackled at least six jabs at his punching skills and then offered to teach him some UFC fighting sometime. Castiel, though embarrassed, happily accepted the offer.

So far Castiel was nursing a black eye, banged up cheek, and a giant bruise on his ribs which Dean joked was Benny’s revenge but Castiel shrugged and said he deserved it. Both were silently grateful to each other for having their soulmates brought back to each other by their interference, so the hatchet was buried. Both started the path to friendship, which Dean knew would benefit them both.

Benny allowed them to stay here as long as they needed and gave Castiel the ability to work from home. Which Dean would forever be grateful for. Benny even knew was looking out for him and allowing them privacy to work things out, which is why they were best friends. They always looked out for each other. Dean always felt Benny was the older brother he never had. Finding comfort in his grace and lived experiences Dean didn’t have. He owed him a lot.

“Hey.” A voice gained Dean’s attention turning he saw Castiel poking his head from outside. “Get dressed and come outside, I want to show you something.” Dean tilted his head curious as he got up, grabbing his shirt and sliding it on, as well as boots and a winter coat. He walked out to see Castiel on the frozen lake ice skating around. Dean smiled amused seeing the boy who once couldn’t skate now ice skating rather well.

“What is this?” Dean chuckled walking towards the lake.

“I’m going to teach you to ice skate.” Castiel beamed holding his hands out.

“What is this a tit for tat?” Dean laughed grabbing the ice skates from the shoreline and sliding them on. “I taught you to skate, you teach me to ice skate?”

“Something like that.” Castiel waited for Dean to get them on, his fingers wiggled for Dean’s hand. Dean nervously grabbed his hands letting him help him up. Dean wasn’t graceful like Castiel being pulled out on the lake.

“What if I fall in?” Dean asked nervously. “Still can’t swim.”

“We’re in the shallow end,” Castiel reassured. “If we fall in, it will only be to your chest.” Dean gave him a loving smile before he was pulled out a bit more onto the lake. Castiel held his hand the whole time as he taught Dean the basics. However, Dean was just happy to be pulled by Castiel. Dean slipped a couple of times, the last time sending them both falling to the ground when Castiel tried to catch him. They panted as Castiel lay above him smiling down at Dean. They laughed at their predicament before it slowed to just soft loving glances. Castiel was the first to kiss him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Dean melted into the kiss happy to return the soft exchange of kisses till Dean broke the kiss.

“My ass is frozen,” Dean admitted rubbing his frozen ass, making Castiel snort getting off of him as Dean sat up. “What? You sit on the ice next time.” Castiel couldn’t stop laughing wiping the tears from his eyes.

“Let’s get inside and get America’s ass warm, Captain.” Castiel laughed helping him up, before leading him back to shore.


Six months together:

Dean watched Castiel tenderly seeing him so…broken. He looked like he was trying not to cry and sort of floated around. He didn’t blame him. It was Castiel’s birthday, his first birthday alone without his family. His sister called but it was short and sweet, her having to still rely on her parents couldn’t rebel to be here for her brother’s birthday. It was always the hardest, the first birthday alone.

So a small party, consisting of Benny, Balthazar, and the Winchester kids was planned. Missouri was too old to travel but since Sam was staying now in New York in Dean’s old apartment, he was hosting them for the stay. Sam loved New York and was going to Columbia University School for Law. Dean paid him an allowance and paid for rent, so Sam was pretty set up for adulthood. Especially since Dean was making good money to pay for his schooling as well. His siblings wouldn’t have to suffer like he did. They were going to make it without dumb luck.

Benny was cooking for Castiel’s birthday for his present, while Balthazar hosted a dance party and game with the kids and Sam in mind. Everyone was having a great time. But every time Balthazar attempted to get Castiel to join, Castiel lovingly waved him away shaking his head no. Castiel kept floating through the house, checking to see if Benny needed anything. But Dean heard Benny threaten Castiel to go have a good time and that he was ruining Benny’s present so Dean intervened.

“Cas, come on. Your turn for face paint.” Dean grabbed his hand leading him towards the art supplies he had bought for this occasion. Especially since the younger Winchesters wanted Dean to do art for them, Dean suggested face painting to keep up with the party theme. Castiel kept flinching out of the cold of the paint making Dean hold his face a bit tighter. “Hold still.” Dean laughed as he softly painted some face paint onto Castiel’s face. Castiel kept making a face making them both laugh.

“Um, Dean!” John Jr. spoke holding a toy they had bought him. Dean turned to look at his baby brother with affection. He already had been face-painted and decided Spiderman was the way to go.

“Yes, Junior,” Dean spoke still painting onto Castiel’s face.

“Are you and Cas married?” John Jr. caused the two to blush, Dean pausing as Castiel squeezed his eyes shut not saying anything. Dean liked how he blushed. So cute. Dean had to stop himself from kissing the flowers he just painted on, the blush giving them a cute background.

“What makes you ask that?” Dean teased trying to mess with Castiel who was eagerly listening.

“You guys only have one room.” John Jr. pointed out looking towards the bedroom. “And no bunk beds,” Dean smirked to himself, it was true they shared a bedroom and bed. The most they did was cuddle and sleep. Sometimes they would get hot and heavy but it never went too far.

“He’s a moocher. He sleeps on the couch,” Dean spoke as Castiel noticeably pouted. Dean laughed unable to help but tease kissing the tip of Castiel’s nose. “He’s my fiancé, Bubba,” Dean spoke which made Castiel all giddy. They hadn’t said what they were. They had been living in the unspoken space given…till now.

“What’s a fiancé?” John Jr. asked confused.

“It means he’s going to be our uncle, dummy,” Adam called making John Jr. stick his tongue out.

“Just call him Uncle Cas,” Dean reassured him ruffling his hair, John Jr. smiled as he turned to Adam.

“I’m not a dummy…dummy!” John Jr. moved to happily play with his brother who was dancing with Sam as Dean chuckled slowly turning back to Castiel who was tearing up. Tears slid down his face from his happy tears.

“Hey, don’t cry. You’ll ruin my masterpiece.” Dean cooed to Castiel who whispered an apology trying to wave his tears away. “Alright, see them before your emotions wipe them away.” Dean held up a mirror showing him the art. Castiel sniffed opening his eyes and looked over the beautiful flowers. The flowers were almost identical to the ones Dean drew on his pink cast all those years ago. Knowing Castiel would appreciate those more than anything else Dean could paint on him. Castiel lit up moving to hold him kissing Dean before hugging him tightly.

“Thank you,” Castiel whispered, the tears falling as Dean held him back. “This is the best birthday ever.”

“Happy birthday, love.” Dean rubbed his back making Castiel slowly relax into his grasp.

“Dinner’s ready,” Benny called as the kids left Balthazar’s side to run for the food.

“What’s that?!” Adam asked as Benny glanced down at the kid.

“Baked stuffed lobster.” Benny ushered as Adam made a face.

“EW.” Adam laughed, Benny looked offended as Balthazar walked over to hold him from behind.

“What do you mean ew?” Benny teased and moved to tickle Adam who screamed laughing, Adam and John Jr. moved to hide behind the counter poking their heads out. “You’re eating it.”

“EW!” The kids giggled, Benny moved closer to them making them scream and hide behind Sam.

“Don’t hide behind me! I’m eating the lobster too!” Sam laughed before they ran towards Dean and Castiel. Castiel had pulled back feeling John Jr grabbing onto him, he quickly wiped his tears.

“Dean! Save us!” Adam laughed as Dean scooped him up putting the mirror down.

“That’s why Uncle Cas got you corn dogs.” Dean rubbed his back as the kids cheered, Castiel laughing as he nuzzled John Jr, both walking to the kitchen to eat.


Nine months together:

Dean leaned against the wall of a coffee shop across from his new art show, he wore sunglasses and kept his head down watching them unveil his new art for city hall. He rarely came to town anymore, he made his public appearances when needed, and like today he was invited to the unveiling but wasn’t interested in the publicity. He recorded a video message with his apologies he couldn’t be there, but he secretly was. One of the few times he came into the city as of late, Castiel still came down for groceries or chores but he liked the quiet of the summer home.

Maybe he should consider moving out there permanently. Maybe he could convince Benny to part from it. Allow Castiel and Dean to call it home, and let Sam take his apartment in New York. Benny said he rarely used it, so maybe he would let him buy it from him.

“Hey, cutie.” A voice spoke making Dean tilt his head peering his sunglasses down at the dork holding two hot drinks. Ah, so this is why he wanted to hang out at this coffee shop when there were better places to scope. “Is this seat taken?”

Dean took in Castiel’s cute bundled-up appearance, it was Castiel who insisted on the couple's scarves. Anyone in New York could tell they were a couple, which before Castiel was too shy for anything like that. Dean loved the cute couple's gimmick. He would happily be one of those couples.

“Yeah, my fiancé will be here any minute.” Dean stuck his tongue out at him and pushed up his sunglasses with his middle finger. Castiel pouted dramatically and looked around sad, not sure what to do, but Dean easily caved to him. “Is that my loving fiancé now?” Dean gasped as Castiel lit up moving to him. Castiel offered him the drink and kissed him. “Hello, my love, a rather handsome man just hit on me.”

“Did he?” Castiel beamed blushing as he sat down on the chair offered.

“I had to deny him because my even handsomer fiancé was coming back.” Dean cooed as Castiel laughed affectionately. Dean slobbered him with kisses which Castiel leaned back from playfully pushing his face back.

“Excuse me?” A woman around their age frowned. “Can you stop? The mayor is having an event to showcase a new city hall art, your lifestyle shouldn’t be advertised so shamelessly. There are children around.”

Dean frowned in her direction holding Castiel tighter. Dean felt Castiel tense at her words, he could feel him freeze under her gaze. Dean slowly pulled back seeing how upset Castiel had gotten from her words with tears in his eyes. Not wanting to embarrass him, he tried to move back from him but Castiel surprised him. Castiel gripped his shirt not letting him go as Castiel turned to the lady despite his shaking.

“What happened to ‘love thy neighbor’?” Castiel spat trying to be strong. The Castiel before this…would have never stood up for them.

“I do ‘love thy neighbor’.” The woman scoffed.

“Then how about you ‘love thy neighbor’ by shutting the f*ck up?” Castiel hissed, he shook as he spoke but he didn’t back down she frowned mumbling how this wasn’t the type of event for that kind of behavior. Dean stood quickly taking off his sunglasses.

“Not that kind of event?” Dean chuckled giving her a mocking wink. “Let’s see if it is, shall we?”

Dean took Castiel’s hand he walked him across the street. Handing Castiel his hot chocolate he happily took his place on stage, it took only a second to prove who he was. Though not exactly dressed for the occasion only wearing normal winter clothes. Dean happily joined in the unveiling of his art, when it came to a honorary speech. Dean smirked seeing the woman slack-jawed staring.

“I’d like to thank the mayor and the city for allowing me the honor of contributing to the beauty of the city. I’d like to thank my family, my friends, and my agent for never giving up on me.” Dean turned to smile at Castiel. “I’d like to thank my fiancé, for being my everything and holding my hand through the hardships of life. I love you. Thank you for being mine.” Castiel blushed smiling at him. “...And I’d like to thank my grandma.” Dean ushered to the woman who didn’t look that much older than them. “Such a loving and supportive LGBT ally. We stand a queen. Clap for my grandma, everyone.” The crowd turned and clapped as Dean smirked. The woman horrified people believed and clapped that she looked old enough to be his grandma started to cry. Getting up she left grabbing her stuff with a choken sob. “Excuse her, she’s shy. I love you, grandma!” Dean waved as Castiel giggled to himself. “Thank you all for having me and enjoying my art for years to come.”

Everyone clapped him off stage as Dean led Castiel away holding his hand tightly, heading into city hall so they could sneak out the back and get to their car. Dean scooped Castiel into a twirling hug just holding him tightly as Castiel laughed at his antics. Dean was so proud of Castiel for not only standing up for himself…but he stood up for them! Castiel had come miles.

“I’m so proud of you!” Dean breathed.

“I was so nervous I was going to throw up.” Castiel laughed nervously, trying to settle his shaking nerves. “Sorry, I caused a scene.”

“Sorry. I blew up our date.” Dean spoke.

“...No.” Castiel smiled affectionately. “You made it better.” They tapped their hot chocolates together before they quickly snuck out to their car to head home.


A year later:

Balthazar cleaned up a tattoo he had finished on Benny’s chest, since getting with Balthazar, Benny had received at least two different tattoos. Before, he didn’t have one spec of ink on him. Now he happily had the tattoo addiction of needing more now that he had one. Dean eyed the work, taking in the art. Balthazar had designed a see-through bag of candy for Benny over his heart. A heart circled the bag, made in honor of Balthazar. Benny had given him the idea, based on their meeting. The candy in the tomb, the bag about Balthazar’s nickname, and the heart for the love of his life. Balthazar had designed such a cute little design over his heart.

Dean’s eyes moved to Castiel who was checking out the studio. Now that Balthazar had moved to New York, he returned to his passion for tattooing. They were there before opening night, using the studio for their personal use. Castiel took in every tattoo hung or displayed along with Balthazar’s studio pieces. It was a very boujee-looking place. Very much Balthazar’s style of glam and bold.

“There, baby.” Balthazar finished cleaning the tattoo allowing him to look it over. Benny got up looking in the mirror at the delicate tattoo that meant so much.

“I love it, Bags.” Benny leaned down kissing him once he returned to his side.

“I’m glad.” Balthazar hummed moving to clean up. “I’m going to clean up, does anyone else want a tattoo before I close up shop and we head to dinner?” Dean eyed Castiel who didn’t seem interested.

“...I’d like one,” Dean spoke as Castiel turned curiously. Balthazar smiled moving to clean up before sterilizing for the next tattoo.

“I didn’t know you had one in mind.” Castiel hummed.

“I don’t,” Dean spoke taking a seat on the tattoo chair after Balthazar had given him the okay. He took off his shirt. “I want you to decide on one.”

“M-Me?” Castiel choked blushing from the honor and the horror of being responsible for what would be on Dean’s skin forever. Dean couldn’t help but laugh.

“I put my love on your skin, allow me yours.” Dean breathed holding his hand out to Castiel as Castiel softly smiled taking it.

“Come on, cutie. Let’s go brainstorm.” Balthazar hummed leading Castiel away. Dean sat on the chair while they went to Balthazar’s office to brainstorm something. Benny took a seat next to him in an open chair eyeing him softly.

“How have you been Dean?” Benny asked as Dean tilted his head to him. “You look good. Happier. He treats you right?”

“He’s stepped up a lot,” Dean admitted scratching the back of his head.

“He treating you as good as I could?” Benny winked, and Dean chuckled at that.

“Says the guy with a tattoo representing your boyfriend on your chest.” Dean teased.

“Always worried me giving him your address to my cabin would bite me in the ass,” Benny spoke. “I always want the best for you.”

“He’s making you proud,” Dean reassured. “...and no, don’t regret it. Sure we still have our ups and downs like every couple…but more ups than downs.”

“I’m glad.” Benny sighed. “I knew he had it in him when he attempted to break my nose. The only time he ever showed the true emotions that he hid down.” Benny sighed chuckling. “Some people need time to grow up and become the men we need them to be. Glad to help him become that man.”

“How humble of you, wise one.” Dean teased as Benny smirked at that. “You say that like you don’t kick his ass at the gym every week.”

“Yeah, how do you think he became that man?” Benny teased. “I humble him. Besides. He’s getting better. Having a good outlet for that rage helps a lot.”

“Sounds like you have a lot of experience in that,” Dean spoke.

“I used to be him.” Benny nodded with a sigh. “...So I understand more than most. If it wasn’t for my old man, I’d be the same pent-up kid with no outlet for my rage. I’m only the man you know and love because he made me start boxing. A healthy way of just letting it out when the world wouldn’t stop throwing punches.” Dean softly touched his shoulder with love. “I’m glad I can be that influence for him.”

“Admit it. You are starting to like him.” Dean laughed as Benny raised an eyebrow.

“He’s growing on me.” Benny snorted as Balthazar and Castiel returned. Balthazar holding a stencil.

“We’re done. Want to see?” Balthazar hummed.

“Nope. I trust his choice.” Dean spoke as Castiel blushed sitting next to Benny.

“Alright,” Balthazar spoke as Dean went over where he wanted it on his chest. Dean held Castiel’s hand the whole time, both Benny and Castiel keeping him distracted while Balthazar worked. Castiel lovingly held his hand and gave him attention, placing loving kisses on his hand as they talked. When Balthazar was finished, he cleaned the tattoo before having him stand up. “What do you think Castiel? Is this your vision?”

Castiel lit up and nodded happily as he took in how beautiful the tattoo came out before Castiel led Dean to the mirror. Dean smiled nervously as he turned to look at the tattoo. Beautiful watercolor painting with an orange, red, and yellow phoenix rising from it that looks like water of blues, purples, and blacks. Its wings extended the feathers extended into paint splashes up. It was beautiful, strong, and empowering.

“A phoenix?” Dean breathed looking at it.

“Because not only are you resilient. You fought long and hard to rise from the ashes. You deserve to honor that.” Castiel spoke leaning his head against Dean’s shoulder. Dean teared up as he gave him a loving hug.

“I love you.” Dean breathed holding him tighter.

“I love you too.” Castiel breathed burying his face into his shoulder as Dean smiled with love at his new tattoo.


One year and three months later:

It was Dean’s birthday, and Castiel had planned an elaborate dinner for them at Dean’s favorite restaurant, Les étoiles dans le ciel. Owned by some rich tech bro who made the walls and ceiling screens that would make it like a virtual world around you while you ate. Castiel had pictures of them raining from the walls and ceiling with their pictures, starting with some from that birthday party they met all those years ago to only yesterday with a cute selfie of Dean and Castiel making funny faces. It was beautiful to see them age in the photos.

Dean watched Castiel laughing at something John Jr was saying, even John showed up for Dean’s birthday which he appreciated. His whole family was here, except for his mother who always sent him a postcard for his birthday, and Missouri who like always had a hard time video calling with modern technology.

Dean watched Benny and Balthazar talking to Sam and his boyfriend Gabriel about a TV show they seemed to enjoy. Dean sat watching them all just taking in how happy everyone was. Adam was telling his dad about something he couldn’t quite hear as Castiel ruffled John Jr’s hair.

How did he deserve this?

Was this how life was supposed to be?


Castiel turned noticing Dean had turned to look at Dean smiling softly at him. Castiel scrunched his nose in an affectionate gesture back. Taking Dean’s hand, he gave it a squeeze leaning in he softly whispered he loved him followed by a happy birthday. Dean kissed him with a small affectionate peck before excusing himself and heading into the bathroom. Entering the quiet bathroom he stood in front of the mirror eyeing himself.

He looked happy, didn’t he?

And he was…he could see colors again.

The colors he lost so long ago when he lost the love of his life. Even now he could see the colors painting his mind as he looked around the world around him for inspiration. Dean always saw potential paintings any time he opened his eyes. It was normal now to see the world in watercolor for him. Bright, vibrant, and beautiful. It's been so long since he’s seen these colors. First meeting Castiel…he saw them too. His paintings like eternal sunshine just showed the world he could see. Showed the world how beautiful it truly was.

Losing Castiel made him lose the ability to see the world and all its vibrance.

Now…It was so bright it was almost blinding.

Dean dug into his pocket pulling out the ring from Castiel’s proposal over a year ago. He had been debating about accepting for a bit now…but he wanted to be ready. He wanted to be sure he was ready to take the next step with him. It was different proposing and being proposed to. Being asked by Castiel had opened him to a lot of inner discovery. Letting him have time to heal and mend his hurt before taking this adventure with him. Castiel promised to wait and he had. Dean smiled at the ring with love and affection sliding it on. Taking in the hand of a taken man, he smiled to himself in the mirror before returning to him.

He slid in at the end of the table next to Castiel, Castiel having a playfully heated conversation about something job-related with Benny as Dean offered his hand to him. Castiel took it without looking, always happy to hold Dean’s hand. When he slid his thumb over Dean’s knuckles in his normal affectionate stroking, he hit the ring with his thumb. He stopped talking to turn to look at him. Tears filled his eyes as he took in the ring. The yes. Dean’s answer to his marriage proposal. Castiel said nothing placing a soft kiss on his knuckles, holding it for a bit longer before going back to his conversation.

Dean could feel him shaking in happiness, holding Dean’s hand a little tighter.

God, he loved him.


One year and six months later:

Dean couldn’t stop staring at Cas, he looked so handsome in a tailored suit. His eyes popped with the dark blue suit that matched Dean’s dark green. It was odd looking at him now, he had officially just married Castiel. Dean was watching him dance with John Jr. holding and spinning him on the dance floor. The party was loud and everyone was dancing around them. Dean stood a bit to the side watching Castiel with his younger brother. Dean eyed him with love, this…day was a long day coming. Some days he didn’t think it would come. But he was here. He was here with him.

“What are you standing around for, sugar?” A voice asked making Dean turn his head seeing Missouri using her walker to come up to the food table. Dean smiled at her affectionately.

“My husband left me for a younger man.” Dean teased as Castiel spun with John Jr who giggled, his laughter infectious. Dean couldn’t help but laugh. “I knew it was going to happen. It was a matter of time.”

“Oh, hush you.” Missouri laughed moving to sit in her walker as she watched her relax into her seat. “He’s going to be ten soon.” She ushered to John Jr. “I’m getting too old to hold onto his spirit. I need more help than ever since my hip surgery”

“I know.” Dean nodded agreeing. “It’s time Castiel and I take him. Has the help I’ve sent help?”

“I’m able to live in my home till I die with that help. The church wanted me to consider an old folks home.” She huffed. “My husband died in that home and wherever he is, earth, heaven or hell. I plan to follow him there.” Dean smiled softly. “...I hope before I go to where ever, I’ll see my baby again.”

“Baby?” Dean turned. “I…didn’t know you had kids.”

“One.” Missouri nodded in memory sucking in the air. “...Her name was Cassie and she was everything but that. A hot head. Stubborn to a fault.” Missouri looked so sad. “...I wasn’t…the woman you know before. I was just as stubborn, especially in my faith. I would eat, sleep, and breathe the bible. I thought that the word was law and to follow it was the only way to happiness. So bullheaded that when my daughter came out to me when she was seventeen, coming home with her girlfriend… I wasn’t…supportive.”

Dean didn’t say anything, just staring at her as Missouri took a moment to continue.

“...I kicked her out with the wraith of god, my husband tried to be the voice of reason. But I was doing good, I was being the voice of god and following his path. So I cut her off and dove back into my bible.” Missouri scoffed.

“Whatever happened to her?” Dean asked.

“She died in a car accident.” Missouri swallowed. “...I hadn’t seen her in seven years…and she was gone just like that. She was only twenty-four.” Missouri looked down. “...My baby, the one person I loved more than life itself, gone…just like that…and my last words to her were ‘Enjoy hell’.”

Dean looked down sadly at her words.

“It changed me. Losing her.” Missouri spoke. “I like to believe God made me learn so I could better help you and little Castiel there when you stumbled into my life.”

“God has a funny way of making us learn lessons,” Dean mumbled.

“God didn’t take my baby to teach me a lesson. My stupidity took my baby.” Missouri spoke taking his hand softly. “...I never did right by her…but I like to believe my baby made sure I did right by you.” She squeezed his hand with love. “That’s the God I believe. The God that loves. I just hope I did enough loving to make up for what I did.”

“...You did,” Dean reassured squeezing her hand. “Not only giving love to me but Cas, my siblings, and everyone who ever had the pleasure of meeting you…She would be proud.” She smiled with love up at him.

“Excuse me, Missouri, may I cut in?” Castiel spoke making them turn, John Junior moved to Missouri and happily hugged her. Castiel taking Dean’s free hand kissed it.

“Take him.” Missouri laughed hugging John Junior affectionately. “I already got my dance partner.”

Dean allowed Castiel to lead him away. Dean’s eyes fell to the wedding ring on his hand as he smiled affectionately. Castiel happily turned and pulled him close, wrapping his arms around his neck, and started to slow dance. Couples danced around them, he could see Missouri and John Junior. Missouri sitting in her walker as John Junior danced around her. Benny and Balthazar slow danced nearby Balthazar twirling his engagement ring as they whispered loving words, and even Sam and Adam danced together laughing as they both tried to step on each other’s toes.

“I love you, Dean,” Castiel whispered as Dean smiled down at him as well. “Thank you for giving me forever and allowing me to become your husband.” Castiel tilted his head happily smiling.

“Who said I allowed you to become my husband?” Dean teased as Castiel raised an eyebrow.

“If not you then who?” Castiel snorted as Dean beamed.

“No idea. Might have been me.” Dean teased.

“Well, if by chance, it was you…I’m grateful to be yours.” Castiel breathed as Dean blushed softly.

“And if by chance, you are my husband,” Dean whispered lovingly to him. “I’m grateful for our forever.” Castiel smiled lovingly up at him before pushing up to his tippy toes and kissing him. Dean happily cupped his face kissing him back, feeling the colors of the world somehow…become even more vibrant.

The End

If by chance - Chapter 17 - Nachsie (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Author information

Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.