Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (2024)

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Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (1)


Rating: 4 stars


We liked this-my husband doesn’t like curry but it wasn’t that noticeable with the other spices. We don’t like real spicy hot food so I cut the red pepper flakes by half. It still seemed to be missing something so I googled Jamaican spices and ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves are spices they use. I added a little extra allspice, 1/8 teaspoon cloves and 1/8 tsp nutmeg. It tasted better.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (2)


Rating: 5 stars


I used to have a home in Jamaica and my sister in law had a Jamaican restaurant, and I'd never seen anything like this. The thyme and curry is used a lot in JA food so am guessing that's what gave it the name. Nonetheless, I liked the ease of this and the mix of flavors. The capers give it just the right touch of salt. I used chicken thighs mostly due to preference (real women eat dark chicken meat!). Served over rice makes a great meal to carry for lunch. I was surprised that it made an awful lot, more like to serve 6 if you add a salad and the rice.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (3)


Rating: 1 stars


I made this for dinner based on the reviews and very rarely dislike cooking light's diverse recipes, however this was not good. It had a very odd, musty taste. it may be the allspice, not sure, but I hate to say I will not be making it again. It just wasn't that good.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (4)


Rating: 5 stars


I really enjoyed this dish and will definitely make it again. It was quick and simple, so it's great for any occasion. I made two alterations. One, I eliminated the all spice because my wife does not like that flavor. Two, I used white wine instead of red because I had a white open. All I did to finish the dish off was add some salt to taste at the end and served the dish with some wine.

Rating: 5 stars


I thought this recipe was company-worthy. Everyone I have prepared it for over the last ten years or so has loved it. The first time I made it, however, I felt it wasn't spicy enough. So the second time I doubled the spices, but it was overly spiced. The third time I multiplied the spices by 1 and 1/2 and it turned out perfect.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (6)


Rating: 4 stars


Followed recipe as shown only substituting fresh garlic for the bottled, using 1/4 tsp ground habenero pepper instead of crushed red, and 1 TBSP fresh thyme in place of dried. Will add some salt next time however. All in all though, this recipe is a keeper. I love both Jamaican and Indian cuisine, and this dish sort of melds the two together.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (7)


Rating: 3 stars


nice meal for a cold wintery night....served over rice

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (8)


Rating: 3 stars


This was pretty good. I realized I was out of curry powder as I was making it so I improvised my own, using coriander, paprika and garam masala. I also used red kidney beans instead of black beans. Overall, I thought it turned out okay, if a little bland, so I added some additional spices, a green pepper, some chili peppers, and a shot of sriracha sauce. Fresh cilantro is a must. I served it over brown rice and thought it was very tasty, though not very Jamaican.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (9)


Rating: 5 stars


I read reviews before making this dish and Ramped up the spice based on those reviews. i like spice so this was a good move. I served it over brown jasmine rice. not only will I make it again, I think it's a worthy substitute for any chili dish for a game day party!!!

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (10)


Rating: 5 stars


Easy to make and a great meal!

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (11)


Rating: 3 stars


Good recipe, but a little bland. Will fix it again, but I'll try to spice it up a bit.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (12)


Rating: 5 stars


My husband and I love this recipe. We have found that we like it served wrapped up in warm flour tortilla shells and topped with a little sour cream and cilantro. I would definitely recommend!

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (13)


Rating: 3 stars


Let me just say there is nothing wrong with this recipe and I will definitely make it again....I did not see giving it 4 stars because I would not fix for a special occasion. It is a great weeknight standard and will fit well into the mix, but don't think it is a "company" recipe. I agree with the other posters about there not being much spice, but again we are big spice eaters. I found that a adding little Sriracha (sp?) right before munching on my bowl added a world of spice and flavor! :) Next time I might add some corn, hominy, or kale.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (14)


Rating: 3 stars


A tasty, quick stew for a weeknight dinner, but I wouldn't serve it for a special occasion. Served with cole slaw.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (15)


Rating: 5 stars


Quick, simple and delicious! We topped it with some diced pineapple for a sweet & spicy mix. The leftovers made yummy wraps for lunch the next day.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (16)


Rating: 5 stars


wonderful blend of flavours

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (17)


Rating: 5 stars


Made this last night, and it was fantastic. Followed recipe but used just one chx breast, don't know if that was 1 lb or not. The flavors were just right. It wasn't spicy but very flavorful. Can't wait to make it again - it will be a go-to recipe from now on.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (18)


Rating: 5 stars


A fantastic family dish -- simple to make using ingredients mostly from the pantry, and loads of fabulous flavors. I added shredded Kale for a green vegetable to make it a one-pot meal; fabulous. Recipe doubles easily.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (19)


Rating: 5 stars


Quick and delicious! Threw in some mushrooms, used chicken broth instead of wine and added a little cilantro at the end for color. Made a great quick meal. Great flavor and very filling.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (20)


Rating: 4 stars


This was really good. Quick and easy. A keeper for the rotation. For people who do not like spicy food at all, this will seem spicy, I think. For those who do like spicy food, like we do, it's mild but not bland or completely without any heat. We followed the recipe exactly except for using fresh garlic & we didn't mind it as is at all, but it would have been fine kicked up a notch, too, in terms of spice.

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (21)


Rating: 5 stars


My husband and I LOVED this receipe. Its something different to add to the weeknight rotation - its a fairly simple and quick dinner. Excellent use of beans and great spice flavor. We like spicey food so we kicked up the heat, but it was very flavorful on its own. Its not pretty, but we'll definitely be making this again!

Jamaican Chicken Stew Recipe (2024)


What is Jamaican brown stew chicken made of? ›

In Jamaica, what defines brown stew chicken is that the chicken is seared in oil and then braised in a brown gravy with sweet bell peppers and a kick of Scotch bonnet, although the specific recipe can vary from kitchen to kitchen.

What is a Jamaican stew called? ›

The name ital is derived from the word vital, referring to the fact that ital food should be vegetarian and unprocessed. The stew consists of (mostly starchy) ingredients such as plantains, split peas, squash, taro root, potatoes, carrots, okra, onions, and collard greens in a rich coconut milk broth.

What kind of stew is most popular in Jamaica? ›

The meal's origins are Jamaican; in “Caribbean Cooking,” John DeMers even refers to stew peas as the country's national dish. Red peas, as kidney beans are known in Jamaica, are cooked down and mellowed with coconut milk, then stewed with beef, pork or even vegetarian alternatives.

Why is Jamaican chicken so good? ›

The seasoning: Jerk chicken is seasoned with a blend of spices that includes allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves. This combination of spices gives the dish its distinctive flavor and aroma. The heat: Jerk chicken is known for its spicy kick, which comes from the use of scotch bonnet peppers in the marinade.

What are 2 popular foods in Jamaica? ›

The 8 best Jamaican foods to try
  • Ackee and saltfish. Considered to be the national dish of Jamaica, ackee and saltfish is popular with both locals and tourists alike. ...
  • Fried breadfruit. ...
  • Goat curry. ...
  • Jerk chicken. ...
  • Jamaican beef patty. ...
  • Bammy. ...
  • Escovitch fish. ...
  • Mannish water.

What is the national dish of Jamaica? ›

Ackee and salt fish—sautéed lightly together, with peppers, onions, and spices—is Jamaica's national dish.

What do you thicken chicken stew with? ›

The flour helps to thicken a stew as it cooks. Whisk a teaspoon of flour in a little cold water to make a slurry, then stir into the stew as it's cooking. Don't add dry flour directly to the stew as it may clump. After adding the slurry, bring the stew to boil.

Why is my chicken stew tough? ›

Overcooking might play a role in your chicken's tire-like texture. Leaving chicken in a pan, oven, or grill for just a little too long can suck the moisture right out and leave you with a dry, rubbery bird. Without moisture, the protein fibers in the chicken become elastic.

What makes stew more flavorful? ›

Add spices such as turmeric, coriander and cumin at the early stage of cooking, when you are frying onions and garlic, to enhance the taste of the beef stew. Fresh herbs like coriander and bay leaves also contribute a distinct flavour without making the dish too spicy for the younger members of the family.

What is brown stew made of? ›

Spices and Seasonings: A blend of dark brown sugar, browning sauce, fresh thyme, sweet paprika, ground ginger, chili powder, kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, ground allspice, and dried bay leaves, each contributing to the rich, complex flavor profile of the stew.

What is brown stew sauce made of? ›

Jamaican browning sauce combines brown sugar and hot boiling water to form a syrup-like sauce and it's used to enhance the flavors of many dishes like stews, gravy, cakes, etc. In addition, it give a rich color to your dish.

What is the difference between a stewing chicken and a regular chicken? ›

Stewing chickens are usually laying hens that have passed their prime. They are older and their meat is usually tougher and more stringy. This type of chicken is best used in stews (as the name implies!)

What kind of chicken is stewing chicken? ›

The egg laying chickens are called stewing hens once they are butchered. They also earned the nickname, “tough old birds”, for their tougher than average meat. These chickens, like those of the past, have needed to be cooked for long periods of time in order to unlock their tasty and nutritionally dense magic.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.