The Jefferson News from Gretna, Louisiana (2024)


52 Here and There Business men from Jefferson Parish, New Orleans, San Francisco, St. Louis and New York attended a briefing and demonstration from April 11-13 as guests of the U. S. Army Air Defense Center, Fort Bliss, Texas. The West Bank group returned from three days of lectures and demonstrations about the latest weapons and their operation used by the Army in the air defense of the country's industrial areas and government centers.

They were awakened at Reveille to follow a strenuous day-long schedule, then a reception given in their honor by Major General Marshall S. Carter, commanding general of the Center. Making the trip were M. Dan Hogan, parish president; Nat B. Knight, Public Service Commissioner and board chairman of the Guaranty Bank; James P.

Pitts, District Manager, Southern Bell; Harry E. Evans, director of Civil Defense; James R. Ayers, president of Ayers Materials. Frank A. M.

Williams, president of George Engine Company; Menson P. Verret, president of West Side Home Improvement Company; J. M. Division Manager of Louisiana Power Light Company; Eldon L. Majoue, general manager of Publicker Chemical Corporation; Wilfred O.

Prados, executive vice-president of the First National Bank of ferson Parish; Stanley E. Stumpf, plant manager, Johns-Manville Corporation; Donald E. Bone of Wilson Variety Stores. Louisiana Public Service Commission announced that a public hearing on the matter of rates for town border sales in the New Orleans zone applied for by United Gas Pipe Line Company will be held at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 25, in the Court of Appeals room on the fourth floor of the State Capitol in Baton Rouge. Local bar organizations throughout Louisiana will participate in the fourth annual celebration of Law Day--May 1, 1961-it was announced by Richard B.

Sadler, of Alexandria, president of the Louisiana State Bar Association, who said there will be a variety of informational programs. Six cases of cancer and one each of infectious hepatitis and tuberculosis (pulmonary) were reported from Jefferson Parish during the week ending April 8, the Louisiana State Board of Health announced. PERSONAL NOTES Emmet R. Strehle of 1008 Madison Street, well known Texas and Pacific Railway passenger engineer, is scheduled to retire from active service in that capacity next Tuesday, April 25, after serving 54 years and three months with the company. When he steps down from the cab of his engine due to arrive in New Orleans at 8:30 p.m., no doubt Mr.

Strehle will chart a course for an early date with his rod and reel, perhaps many of them, his favorite pastime being "playing out" a line to tease members of the finny tribe, or to be teased by them. TELEPHONE TOPICS West Bank High School students took a turn at running one of the West Bank's largest businesses during the recent annual "Manager-for-a-Day" program, sponsored by Southern Bell Telephone Company. Students actually handled some of the business of the West Bank district office, at the same time getting an inside look at the company's operation. Selected to serve as district manager for the day was Richard Lee of West Jefferson High School. Others who took over top duties with the district included James Smith of Belle Chasse High School as district plant manager; Martin Zimmerman of Westwego Junior High School, district engineer, and Miss Joycelyn Hock of Holy Name of Mary High School, Algiers, district chief clerk.

Jim. Pitts, West Bank district manager for Southern Bell, said, "the company is proud to have the future business leaders get an inside look at our business." POLITICAL NEWS from the Services Marines Private Herman I. Knecht, CAROLINE'S CAT--The White House cat, Tom Kitten, has new masters and a new name: Tom Terrific. Mrs. Kennedy decided the Executive Mansion was too lonely for the cat and gave him to her personal secretary, Mary Gallagher.

Gregory, 3, and Chrisopher Gallagher, 4, find that Tom adapts easily. DEATHS Irving A. (Pops) Clement, 68 years old, native of Algiers and resident of Gretna for 50 years, died April 13 and was buried in the Hook and Ladder Cemetery after Requiem High Mass in the Church of St. Anthony. He was well known in semi-pro baseball circles and was a war veteran and a Knight of Columbus.

Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Margaret Effie Kerner, and three children, Miss Bernice, Irving, and Peter Clement; also three grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Harry Lange. Arthur H. Lawrence, retired businessman, 69 years old, died Sunday and was buried in the Hook and Ladder Cemetery after Requiem High Mass in the Church of St. Joseph.

He leaves his wife, the former Miss Laurencia "Jeanie" Peres, and three daughters, Mrs. W. L. d'Aquin, Mrs. Orlando S.

Murphy and Mrs. A. J. Higgins, also seven grandchildren, as well as a sister, Mrs. Dauenhauer.

Louis Inguagiato, 83 years old, native of Alia, Italy, and resident of Gretna for 54 years, died April 12 and was buried in the ogh Cemetery after services in the Church of St. Joseph. He was the father of Mrs. Joseph Messina, Mrs. W.

H. Cambre, Miss Mary Grace, Joseph, Louis, Christopher, Anthony, Samuel, Vincent and Lawrence Inguagiato. Also surviving are 16 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Miss Josephine Romano, native of Napoleonville and resident of Gretna, died Monday and was buried in the Hook and Ladder Cemetery after Requiem Mass in Church of St. Joseph.

She was the the sister of Mrs. Frank Taulli, Mrs. Sam Panepinto, Mrs. Joseph Macaluso, Saverio and Anthony Romano. Harry McNeal, 64 years old, who was found shot to death in his truck in New Orleans last Friday, was buried in the MeDonogh Cemetery.

He was a native of Altoona, Pennsylvania, and lived in Gretna for 21 years. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Mary Glaser, four sisters and four brothers. Charles Black, 80 years old, native of Gretna and resident of Hammond for more than 44 years, died Wednesday and was buried there after services in the Episcopal Church. He was a prominent business man. Surviving are his wife, the former Miss Aimee Edell, and three children, Charles and Harry Black and Mrs.

King Landry; also five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, as well as a sister, Mrs. Louis H. (Ada) Gosserand. We read and hear a lot about U. S.

Savings Bonds as "the present with a future the gift that keeps on Never forget that you can give yourself a fine present each payday, where you work or where you bank, buying these bonds. ALGIERS NOTES Algiers voted with the majority for James A. Comiskey last day in his bid at the polls for councilman-at-large. He received 3547 votes in the 15th Ward as the other candidates polled the following totals: William G. Banister, 253; Theodore M.

Hickey, 1872; Henry Hidden, 452; A. well Thompson, 54. Comiskey won the nomination with 62,954 in the city-wide election. Santo Giustiniano, native of Italy and resident of Algiers for 70 years, died Sunday and was buried in St. Mary's Cemetery after Requiem High Mass in the Church of the Holy Name of Mary.

He leaves his wife, the former Miss Pietrina Finazzi, and four children, Mrs. C. Gilman, Mrs. Mary Cerniglia, Mrs. Francis Mine and Joseph Giustiniano; also seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

He was a retired business man. Mrs. William A. McIntosh, Myrtle Schroeder, 68 years old, lifelong resident of Algiers, died April 13 and was buried in the McDonogh Cemetery after services in the Mount Olivet Episcopal Church. She was the mother of Mrs.

Lillian Mae Himel. Also surviving are three sisters and a brother, Mrs. Mamie Talbot, Mrs. J. A.

McIntosh, Miss Gladys Schroder and Edward Schroder. Mrs. Lucille Guidry Bergeron, widow of Albert Bergeron, 78 years old, native of Race and and resident of Algiers for 43 years, died April 14 and was buried in St. Bartholomew's Cemetery after services in the Church of St. Joseph.

She was the mother of Mrs. Albert Babineaux and fostermother of Billy Bergeron. Also surviving are three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. W. Autin, Mrs.

Clarence Tullier, Mrs. Thomas Bays, Marcel and Ignace Guidry. Over 40 million Americans now own U. S. Savings Bonds, cash value of which is around $50 billion.

Over $12 billion are in macured bonds more than 10 years old. still growing in cash value. STRINGING ALONG Comedian Jack Benny plays along on his violin while celebrated cellist Pablo Casals renders "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Benny visited the 1 musician in Puerto Rico. son of Mr. and Mrs.

Herman I. Knecht, of Route 1, Box 196 BB, Gretna, completed recruit training on April 13 at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, South Carolina. His 12-week training course included bayonet instruction, physical conditioning, parades and ceremonies and other military subjects. Three weeks were spent firing the M-1 rifle and studying other basic infantry weapons. He is scheduled to report to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, for combat infantry training and then will receive specialized instruction at a service school or be assigned to a unit of the First Marine Force.

Private Forrest L. Vest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul 0. Bishop of 812 Alix Street, Algiers, completed recruit training on March 14 at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California.

Navy Richard J. Constant, airman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anatole Constant of 622 Gaudet Drive, Marrero, is serving aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt operating with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean.

The Roosevelt is scheduled to visit several Mediterranean countries during the -month cruise and to conduct training exercise to maintain its high level of readiness and efficiency. Army Privates Barry J. Breaux and Henry F. Fos, of Gretna, received the final phase of six months active duty military training under the Reserve Forces program at the U. S.

Army Air Defense Center, Fort Bliss, Texas, which concluded April 18. They were trained in the duties of an automatic weapon crewman and are scheduled to spend the remainder of their military service with the 141st Artillery Division's Battery an Army National Guard unit in Louisiana. Breaux, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Widley J.

Breaux, 1034 Tenth Street, is a 1958 graduate of West Jefferson High School, Har- VETERANS ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION SERVICE Questions and Answers -How does a veteran go about getting hospitalization when he is living in a foreign country? What sort of hospital would he be placed in? A--He should contact the nearest United States Embassy. To be eligible for hospitalization from the VA abroad, he must have a compensable service-connected disability for which he requires treatment and be residing in the foreign country only temporarily. He may be placed in a hospital of the country in which he is living or in an overseas hospital of the United States Armed Forces. -What are the official dates of the Korean War and of World War II for purposes of VA hospitalization? A--June 27, 1950, through January 31, 1955, for the Korean War and December 7, 1941, through December 31, 1946, for World War II. Q-I am a World War II veteran and I believe I may be eligible for a pension.

What is considered income for determining this eligibility? A--Income is all the money you receive during the year. It includes wages, salaries, dividends, interest, profits, annuities, pensions, Social Security payments; in fact, everything that is not specifically excepted in the following seven items: (1) Compensation or pension payments from the VA. (2) Donations by or from public or private relief or welfare sources. (3) Government life insurance payments and payments of servicemen's indemnity. (4) Social Security lump sum death payments.

(5) Armed Forces payments for the 6-month death gratuity. (6) Proceeds of fire insurance policies. (7) Payments from public or private retirement, annuity or endowment plans equal to the amount contributed to the plan by the individual now receivthe payments. vey, and a 1959 graduate of New Orleans Barber College. Fos, 23-year-old son of Mrs.

Josephine R. Fos, Route 1, is a 1957 graduate of Belle Chasse High School. When you buy U. S. Savings Bonds where you work or where you bank you are investing without risking your money.

The Treasury guarantees you good interest; there's no chance of loss. 59 MODERN HUCK FINNS ON CRUISE -Four youths built this craft from a 16-foot Navy raft. They made it to navigate down the Columbia River from Portland, to Astoria, on the Pacific coast. LEMUEL W. HIGGINS, who was reappointed superintendent of the Jefferson Parish public schools last October to serve for four years, won reaffirmation as such at Wednesday's meeting of the Jefferson Parish School Board, by a vote of 12 to 5.

NOTES Louisiana Power Light Company announced the following promotions in the sales organization: W. E. Penton, industrial engineer in the northern division, to special assignments here; Norman L. Colvin, rural service consultant here, to succeed Penton; Robert R. Jones, consultant, to succeed Colvin; W.

J. (Bill) Keller, East Bank, to succeed Jones. E. W. (Bill) Tregre, managing editor of the employees' magazine, has been elected president of the New Orleans Chapter of Mississippi Southern Alumni.

This week he attended the NEA freedom forum in Searcy, Arkansas. METHODIST NOTES An appeal for the 40,000 congregations of the Methodist Church in the United States to raise a minimum of $2,500.000 for emergency needs in Africa was issued March 20 by the Council of Bishops. The appeal, signed on behalf of the council by its president, Bishop Gerald Kennedy of Los Angeles, calls for a special offering in every church on Sunday, April 30. The offering is to answer urgent needs for food, medicine, leadership and education in Africa. "When things are at their the message says, "the church should be at its best.

We are called upon to be a part of the healing in the midst of much sickness. Where there is rioting, bloodshed and bitterness, ours is the high task of being present to restore good will, minister to the suffering and witness to God's love." In a letter to every Methodist pastor in this state, Bishop Aubrey G. Walton, bishop of the Louisiana area, said "No emergency that we have brought to the attention of the Church has been more serious or more worthy of sacrificial response." Very Modern "Hey, I don't see any street lamps," said a visitor to a resident. "You told me this village was lighted by electricity." "It is replied the resident "whenever we have a thunder storm." Obey Highway Marking Save Lives Alderman Edward L. Hodge, who was unsuccessful in his bid for renomination to that post in the Democratic primary held April 8 and who was eliminated from the second primary by the municipal executive committee in promulgating the returns of the primary, is suing the committee to compel his certification and that of Louis A.

LeBoeuf, along with John R. Ridge and Armond L. Lehnig, as candidates in the runoff election set for May 13. Hodge contends that the committee unlawfully and improperly deleted 185 votes cast for Thomas Fonti when it determined the number of votes needed for a majority for certification as nominee. The committee met the night of Friday, April 14, and declared the party nominees as William J.

White, for mayor; Beauregard Miller, for marshal; G. Ashton Cox, Eugene Gehring, Louis A. LeBoeuf, and Anthony J. Marchese, for aldermen. Also Courtland J.

Kay, Edward W. Kennedy and Fred G. Strohmeyer as having been elected committeemen. Official figures of the vote recorded by the machines, obtained by The Jefferson News at the office of William M. Justice, clerk of court, in the Jefferson Parish Courthouse, are as follows: For Mayor Russell N.

Gomez 55 Joseph V. Gregoratti 2283 William J. White 4155 For Marshal Wilford J. Gurley 2114 Beauregard H. Miller 4260 Charles B.

Rotolo 82 For Aldermen John M. Browr 586 Anthony H. Buckley, Jr. 1487 Roy Cascio 717 G. Ashton Cox 2706 Thomas J.

Fonti 185 Eugene Gehring 2773 Lester G. Harper 1508 Edward L. Hodge 1640 Joseph S. Lauricella 1606 Louis A. LeBoeuf, Jr.

2196 Armond L. Lehnig 1939 Anthony J. Marchese 2698 John R. Ridge 1693 Wilson A. Russell 341 For Committee Eugene A.

Alwell, Jr. 454 Francis X. Barrett 2081 Courtland J. Kay 3468 Edward W. Kennedy 3337 Robert D.

Lewis 1746 Carroll G. Savage 229 Fred G. Strohmeyer 3326 Leo A. Wingfield 1963 It will be noted that the total number of votes recorded for all of the candidates for alderman was 22,075. The law requires that voters must, in such cases, cast ballots for five candidates, so the total shows that 4415 voters did this, hence a majority would be 2208.

The table shows that only Aldermen Cox, Gehring and Marchese received more than that number. However, by deleting the 185 votes cast for Fonti, the committee obtained a total of 21,890 votes cast for all, one-tenth of which is 2189, so the total vote cast for Louis A. LeBoeuf, which was 2196, gave him nomination, as certified by the committee. Mae WESTWEGO Following are the candidates in the runoff slated for May 13 in Westwego: For Mayor- -Roy C. Keller and Harry A.

Pitre. For Marshal- Jacob J. Gregory and Sidney J. Guillot. For Aldermen-Antoine Alario, Hendrix J.

Bourgeois, Elliott A. Duffoure, Henry A. Gauthreaux, Clarence A. LaBauve, John D. Lauland, Charles G.

Muller, Thomas J. Ory, Calvin W. Shewmake, Ernest J. Tassin. RESEARCH 9 EDUCATION SERVICE.

The Jefferson News from Gretna, Louisiana (2024)


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