The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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1 Medicines Medicines wm PILLS ABECURING TVTBS WINSLOW THE SICK TO AN EXTENT NeVer BEORE 1V1 Nurse KNOWN ANY MEDICIN Invatids read and tentlenSf Judge for yourselves dren Teething or the ly vror gs iJssHartiord Deo 8 1354 A I sponsil i i from 5 ly d21eowlyd aL A I I i su prar iLsve Naples jx A UX1)45 a pf 9 00 a 9 15 a 1000 a 1020 a 220 230 2 50 315 insutnn i' makes I Orders by letter attended to with the same prompt ness and fidelity as though we were called upon per sonally BOWLES ft CO Corner of Main and State streets up stairs i EBTOWX RAILROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT Commencing Monday Dea 25 1854 Passenger Trains Leave as follows amuersi iot i aimer at for Palmer at Belchertown for Palmer at Three Rivers for Palmer at Palmer for Amherst at Three Rivers for Amherst at Belchertown for Amherst at Dwight's lor Amhertt at The 900 a Train from Amherst will con nect with the Express tram for New York and the Accommodation train for Springfield and Albany Passengers will also take this Train for Worcester Boston Providence Norwich New London The 220 Train from Palmer will leave cn the arrival of the express train from New York and the accommodation train from Spring'leld and Albany Passengers irom ti East will axso take thia train for DCAVWC1 LU Wil auu AMHuerSL POTTER Amherst Dec 22 1854 jg Ague Asthma Bilious Complaints Blotches on the Skin Bowel Complaints Constipation of the Bowels Debility Dropsy Erysipelas emale Irregularities evers of all kinds Gout Sold at the Establishment of Professor Hollo aseengerTrahuswiU Arrive at Grcx at 75C a 1280 525 700 a 1130 a 445 AGENCY OR AMER AJ'SK NoACoiirt Street rWirfg bad several years experience in hu Patents oners his services to inventCjfyntiemen interested in New Inventions uu Agent for soliciting Patents in AmetTca and Europe He will prepare caveats specifi cations and drawings bonds and assignments will make researches in American and oreign works to test the validity of patents and give advice on alllegal and scientific points connected with these subjects EZRA LINCOLN Civil Engineer NB All Models Ac left at this office will be for warded to the Patent Department promptly and free xpense Ja25 eodtf PAPER STATIONERY And Patent Account Books' BEVJ LORING Si COMPANY Nos 120 A 122 State (opposite Broad) StBOSTON Importers of ENGLISH and RENCH STATIONERY invite attention to this extensive and well selected stock constituting1 one of the largest assortments to be found in the city English rench and American Writing Letter and Note papers drawing and Writing Papers Profile Cross Section and Trac ing Papers Ac Bogers and superior Pccket Cutlery a superior article of Copying Prbss Copy ng Letter Books Oil Sheets Brushes Writing and Copying Inks Ao Ac 1 PATENT ACCOUNT BOOKS LORING COMPANY having a Blank Book uuucu luiueu tsiaoiisnment can rar rush Account Books in a superior style Banks Public Offices Insurance Railroad and Manufactur ing Companies Merchants and others furnished with Account Books made of superior paper ruled paged headed and bound in any style required A large as sortment of BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS of all sizes and in various styles Of binding on hand from which Sets of Books can be selected which will be warranted to give satisfaction Lithographic Copper plate and Letter Press YNri'nfi'nor Boston Nov 1 1854? 4 i f8mo was VINEGAR AT The subscriber having purchased of Good man all of his apparatus for the manufacture of Vine gar will continue to make and keep constantly on and pure Cider and White Vinegar Samples may be seen at the Agricultural Store under Hamnden Hall d27 eodtf ALLEN JULES HAUEL Esq? the well known perftamer of Chestnut street Phu delphia whose choice products are found at almost every toilet' says a an? haPPyto say of your Cathartic Pills that I have found them a better family medicine for com mon use than any other within my knowledge Many of my friends have realized maikea benefits from them and coincide with me in believing that they possess extraordinary virtues for driving out diseases and curing the sick They are not only effectual but fate and pleasant to be taken qualities which mnat make them valued by the public when they are The venerable Chancellor WARDLAW writes from Baltimore 15th April 1854: Sir I have taken your Pills with great benefit for the listlessness languor loss of ap petite and Bilipus headache which have of late years ovei taken me in the dpi ing A few doses of our Pills eured me I have used your Cherry Pectoral many years in my family for coughs and colds with unfail IDg OUVUCED AUU AUMJLC JUCUW1I1V19 VVU1VU tWTC UiU feel it a pleasure to commend you for the good you have done and are 1 JOHN BEATTY Esq Sec of the Penn Railroad Co says: Offict Philadelphia Dec 13 1853 I take pleasure in adding my testimony to the efficacy of your medicines having derived very mate rial benefit from the use of both vonr Pectoral and Ca th ar tic Pills 1 am never without them in my family nor snau ever consent to De wnue my means wiu procure them The widely renowned STEVENS of Wentworth writes: used your Cathartic Pills in iny prac tice I certify from expeiienoe that they are an inval uable purgative In cages of disordered functions of the liver causing headache indigestion costivenees and the great variety of diseases that follow they are a surer remedy than any other In all cases where a purgative remedy is required I confidently recom mend these Pills to the public ss superior to any other 1 have ever found Th are sura in their oneration and perfectly safe qualities which make them an in valuable for public use I have for many years known your Cherry Pectoral as the best Cough medi cine in the world and these Pills are in no wise in rior to that admirable preparation for the treatment of Acton Me Nov 25 1853 Ayer Dear Sir: 1 have been afflicted from my birth with scrofiia in its worst form and now after twenty trial and an untold of amount of suilering have been completely cured in a few weeks by your Pills With what feelings of re joicing I write can only be imagined when you real ize what I have suffered and how long until now have I been free from this loath some disease in some shape At times it attacked my eyes and made me almost blind besides the unendur able pain at others it settled in the scalp of my head and destroyed my hair and has kept me partly baia all my days sometimes it came out in my face and kept it for months a raw sore nine week ago commenced taking your Cathartic Pills and now am entirely free from the complaint My eyes are well my skin is fair and my hair has commenced a healthy growth allot which makes me feel already a new person this statement mav be the meananf nnn veying information that shall do good to others I am with every sentiment of gratitude Yours Ac have known the above named Maria Rinka fmm her childhood and her statement is strictly true ANDREW JiMIiSERVE" Overseer of the 'Portsmouth idnnrfaoturing PRATT? of the shin Marton ritea frnm Boston 20tb April 1854 Pills have cured me from a billions attack which arose from derangement of the Liver 'which had become very serious 1 had failed of any relief by my Physician and from every remedy I could try tut a few doses of your Pills have completely restored me to health 1 have given them to my children for worms with the best effects They were promptly cured I recommended them to a friend for ocstive ness which had troubled him for months he told me in a few days they had cured him ou make the best medicine in the woold and I am free to say Bead this from the distinguished Solicitor of the Su preme Court whose brilliant abilities have made 1 him well known not only in this but the neighbor ing States Orleans April 1854 I have great satisfaction in assuring you that myself and family have been very much benefitted by your medicines My wife was cured two years since of a severe and dangerou cough by your cherry Pectoral and since then has enjoyed perfect health My children have several times teen cured from at tacks of the Influenza and Croup by it It is an inval uable remedy for these complaints Your Cathar tic Pills have entirely cured me from a dyspepsia and costiveness which has grown upon me lor some years indeed this cure'is much more important from the fact that I had failed to get relief from the best Physicians which this section of the country affords and from any of the numerous remedies I had taken seem to us Doctor like a providential bles sing to our family and you may well suppose we are not unmindful of it ours respectfully LEAVITP Chamber Ohio April 5th 1854 Ayer Honored Sir: 1 have made a thorough trial of the Cathartic Pills left me by your agent and have been cured by them of the dread ful Rhtumatism under which fnnnd mo The first dose relieved me and a few sutsequent doses have entirely removed the disease I feel in better health now than for some years before which I at tribute entirely to the effects of your Cathartic Pills ours with great respect LUCIUS The above are all from persons who are publicly known where they reside and who would not make thee statements without a thorough conviction that they were true Prepared by AYER Practical and Analytical Chemist Lowell Mass Sold by BLISS A HAVEN in Springfield Whelden Pittsfield Morrill Holyoke and by Druggists generally eowaly ttPRINGIELDMARBLE WORKS kJ The subscriber wishes to inform his friends and the public generally that he still continues to carry on 1 the Marble Business in all its various branches at the old stand Having had much experience in the busi ness and having secured the services of Mr Thomas Volk a young artist of superior talent to execute the ornamental work he feelsoonfident that he can fur nish Monuments and Headstones of a superior quality and style of finish and lettered in a manner that wiu defy successful competition1 The subscriber also manufactures Counter Bureau Table and Stand Tops Hearths Sinks and all kinds of Marble work at short notice and on reasonable terms All orders promptly attended to and all work warranted to give perfect satisfaction Remember GEORGE KEEP at the old stand on lot Main street Springfield tv A GEORGE IM directors lt Barker f' Edward May Daniel Jenks George Platn er' William Pollock David Carson Harvey Arnold Murray Henry Stearns CATHARTIC PILLS OP IJL ERATE by their powerful influence on the inter nal vloera to purity the blood and stimulate it into healthy action They remove the obstructions of the Biomacn powers river ana otner organs of the body and by restoring their irregular action to health cor rect wherever they exist such derangements as are the first causes of disease An extensive trial cf th sir virtues by Professors Physicians and Patients has shown cures of dangerous diseases almost beyond be lief were they not substantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the sus picion or untruth Their certificates are published in my American Almanao which the Agents below nameu are pleased to furnish free to all inquiring Annexed we give Directions for their use in the complaints which they have been found to cure or Take one or two Pills or such quantity as to gently move the bowels Costivenessis frequently the aggravating cause of Piles and the cure of one complaint is the cure of both No person can feel well while under a costive habit body Hence it should be as it can be promptly relieved or Dyspepsia which is sometimes the cause of Costiveness aud always uncomfortable take mild doses from one Io four to stimulatethestomaofiand liver into healthy action Th will do it and the heartburn bodyburn and soulbum of dyspepsia will rap idly disappear When it has gone don forget what cured you fOR a oul Stomach or Morbid Inaction of the Bouels which pre duces general depression of the spir its and bad health ake from tour to eight Pilis at first and smaller dos 8 af er wards until activity and strength is restored to the system OB Nervousness Sick Headache Nausea Pain in the Stomach Bach or Side take from four to eight pills on going to oed If they do not operate sumoiutly' take more the next day until they do Tnese com plaints will be swept out from the system wear these and their kindred disorders because your stomach is foul or Scrofula Erysipelas and all Diseasesofthe Skin take thu Pills freely and frequently to keep the bswels open The eruptions willgenerally soon begin to diminish and disappear Many dreadful ulcers and sores have been heated up by the purging and purifying effect of these PIBs and tome disgusting dis eases which seemed to saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their influence leaving the suf ferer in perieot health Patients! your duty to socie ty forbids that you should parade ourself around the world covered with pimples blotchei ulcers sores and all of any of the unclean diseases of the skin be cause your system wants cleansing To Purify the Blood they are the best medicine ever discovered They should be taken freely and fre quently and the impurities which sow the seeds ofin curable diseases will be swept out of the system like chaff before the wind By this property they do as much good in preventing sickness as by the remarka ble cures which they are making everywhere Liver Complaint Jaundice and all Bilious Af fections arise from some derangement either torpidi ty congestion or obstructions of the liver Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render it unfit for digestion This is disastrous to the health and the constitution i frequently undemin by no other cause Indigestion is the symptom Obstruction of tuv UUWl WillUH QLUpblfO UX1C UU5 JUIU IUV U1UUUU causes the bile to ovei flow into the blood This pro duces Jaundice with a Ions and damreious train of evils Costiveness or alternately costiveness and diar rhcea prevails everish symptoms languor low spirits weariness restlessness aud melancholy with sometimes inability to sleep ana sometimes great drow siness sometimes there is severe pain in the side the skin and the white of the eyes become a greenish yel low the stomach acid the bowels sore to the touch the whole system irritable with a tendency to fever which may turn to bilious fever bilious colic bilious diarrhoea dysentery A medium dose of three or four ills taken at night followed by two or three in the morning and repeated a fe day will remove the cause of all these troubles It is wioked to suffer such pains when you can cure them for 25 cents Rheumatism Gout and allinflammatory fevers are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of the Pills upon the biood and the stimulus which they afford to the vital principle of Life or these and ail kindred complaints they should be taken in mild doses to move the bowelsjgently but freely As a Dinner Pill this is both agreeable and use nl No Pill can be made more pleasant to take nd certainly none has been made more effectual to ahe purpose for which a dinner pill is employed Prepared by AYER Practical and Analytics Chemist Lowell Mass and sold by BLISS ft HAVEN in RnHevfiAls re Whrldon oI Pittsfield and by Druggists gener and 429 BroadwayrNew York CONDUCTED UPON THE EUROPEAN PLAN TAHIS Hotel has recently been enlarged A and refitted with all the modern improvements and is now open for the reception of permanent ana transient boarders and visitors 'Meals served at all hours either in their apartments (without extra charge) or in the private dining rooms or in the Sall a mange which is attached to the Hotel Thia Hotel being located within three minutes walk of the Har lem Hudson River and New Haven Depots Sojour ners to the City will find it to their advantage to give a oaU the proprietor solicits a share of the public patronage itr qr 7 GEORGE HAREL Proprietor New York July 1854 Jy27 6m THE GREATEST MEDICAL dis covery THE AGE Mr Kbnnedy Oa Roxbury has discovered in one of our common pas ture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of hu mor from the worst scrofula down to a common pimple He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases and nev er failed except in two cases (both thunder He has now in his possession over two hundred certifi cates of ite value all within twenty miles of Boston Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Dim ples on the face Two or three bottles will cleat the system of all biles Two bottles are warranted to cure the cantrori mouth and stomach Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of erysipelas One to two bottles are warranted to cun all humpy in the eyes Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair our to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers One bottle will cure scaly eruptions of the skin Two or three bottles are warranted to care the worst cases of ringworm Two Or three bottles are warranted td cure 'flu most dwperate case of rheumatism Three to four bottM are warranted to cure salt rheum i ive to eight bottles will cure the wont case of scro fiila A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quan ty is taken Nothing looks so improbable te those who have in vain tried all the wonderful medicines of the day as that a common weed growning in the pas tureSj and along old stone walls should cure every hu mor in the system yet it is now a fixed fact If you have a humor it has to start There are no ifs nor ands bums nor about it suiting some case but not yours 1 peddled over a thousand bottles of it in the vicini ty of Boston I know the effects of it dn' every case It has already done some of the greatest cures ever done in Massachusetts I gave it to children a year old to old people of sixty I have seen poor puny wormy looking children whose flesh was soft and flabby restored to a perfect state of health by one bottle To those who are rub ect to a sick headache one bottle will al ways cure it It gives great relief in catarrh and dizziness Some who have taten it have been costive for years and have beon regulated by it Where the body is sound it works quite easy but where there is any derange merit of the functions of nature it will cause very sin gular feelings but you must hot be alarmed they al ways disappear from four days to a week There is never a bad result from it on the contrary when that feeling is gone you will feel yourself like anew person I heard some of the most extravagant encomiums of it that ever man listened to No change of diet ever necessary Eat the best you can get and enough of it 1 have an herb simmered in olive oil scatters scrofu lous swelling on the neck and under the ears Price 50 cents per box Directions for Usb Adults one table spoonfU per day children of eight years dessert spoonful from five to eight teaspoonful As no direction can be ap plicable to all constitutions take enough to operate ou the bowels twice a day Manufactured and for sale by Donald Kennedy XalV IT Alien QlTCtt leUAUUry or sale by Redding Co No 8 State Stjeetj ton in Springfield by Cundaji Haven Ingraham Bigelow (late Segur CniOqpee and Chicopee MASS 8 Bagg Holyoke Morrill Ranged aud 'HE subscriber would call the attention JL of the public to his stock of GOODS consisting in part of the following Copper Brass and Iron orce and Suction Pumpo Gardea and ire Engines stationary and on Copper Lead and Iron Bathing 1 atid Iron Sinks Conner a cv ai Marble Wash a Boners Ban ed ana Prnin eiiffiTwith Marble dlabs Plat va xuktvius vv nici tviunriN withPulfe ilters Cesspools I Lead Block tin and Lead Pipe and all the ar tides usually kept by Piumbirs ALSO Double acting Hydraulic Ram which can be operated by Brooks and throw water from ells or springs A new am1 the sole proprietor lor the right of Manuacture and Safe for Western Massachusetts Hartford and Tolland Countnef Connecticut having had upward of 20 'years experience in the above business most cf the time jn Boston and vicinity I feel confident of giving perfect satisfaction? to all who may favor mewitn their patronage All inds ot at Short noifcaand in the best manner ROWE PLEASE READ THE OLLOWING: WE the subscribers having employed Mr Phillip Rowe to do Plumbing ana Copper Smith work for us in jobs vaiyisg from 200 to 2000 dollars each We can recommend him to our friends and the Public as a man thoroughly acquainted with his business and reasonable in his charges John Downs late Commodore Charlestown Navy Yard James Mills Boston Treasurer Hadley alls Company Holyoke Stebbins Lathrop Northampton A Cliptfi Conn Springfield James Parker conductor Western Railroad Edciund reeman Prest Springfield Ins Co 9 Vinton Springfield a 8 Chapin Massasoit House Springfield Gridley BryanL Architect Boston Thompson of Thompson Express George Walker Esq George Dwight Springfield East Worthington street Springfield Mass 30 rods East ot Show Room corner Worthington and Main 'Street n27 8m uerr An exnenenoea sions ever Inflammation attend this period of children she Sure to produce the rlpnirarl TnnfllAW avxst SiaUa IC0L to a viua mmu uutMvu to voe i A child on Congress street was cured by the Rnnfh luantile Dysentery o7 Diarrhea8 iftei atfendingWysioiM Eddington says it has never faile i in la Ven whep Omsk 44 OI JI IB BOia "'4 New Ywk 40 Cortlandt st CRvJLAIP A Will PAIN TCVT vr The World is astonished at ths formed by the CRAMP AND PAIN KIlS pared by CURTIS PERKINS been known for removing pain in aticektorthl 8Pnal complaints cramp in the limbs and chinT 111 al it8 forms bilious cholic Ju fever burns sore throat and gravel it is oidedly the best remedy in the world Evidence of the most wonderful cures ever performed by any medicine are on circulars in the hands of AgentZ You Say bJ 5elief if 1188 Milltonstf ties of this medicine have been sold in New England the past six or eight it is now for the flrsttime being introduced into all the principal towns in New NB Be sure and call for CURTIS Cramp and Pain Killer All others bearing this name are base imitations Price 12) 25 87i cts per bottle according to size Also for sale those pure WILD CHERRY BI1TEBS for the cure of Bilious and Jaundice complaints an general debility They quicken the blood give new lif and energy to the whole system Price only 25 cents in pint bottles CURTIS fc PERKINS 149 Chambers street New York or sale in Springfield by Cundall and Ingraham Packard Three Rivers Wm Breckenridge Ware Wm Packard Thorndike Morrill Holyoke and by Druggists generally je2 ly Marvin Chapin Albert Morgan Waitstill Hastings George Walker Willis Phelps Samuel 8 Day a William 12 IjMnhawd Tlel WM CONNER Jr Secretary? EDMUND REEMAN ree! ap 10 ERTILIZERS Peruvian ish Guano Bone Meal Super phosphate of Oyster Shell Lime far sale low at the Akrtcultarai Store apl8 eodtf vw ALLEN am a SON very good auDruunax mruuoe ana nnnnitra nwn tm irooess can be erected for less than 81000 Amd any man uaviug au nui ua wai lailtt WITH gOOa vicinity and a thousand dollars in his i less time than it would reouire tn aw? rist mill have a furnace running upon hM at the foot of his own coal bank uul uauj (wu lilub oi urst rate Diooms at A3 kma GAAvuMu wuxlu uiB ownaoor thus tying him a profit of 81 jfl day 81000 lhe Manufacturing Con ready to furnish the ground the ceaLthe it ter power and patent right privilege or so tai under their charter with others who capital skill and industry Det those Who wish tn rnnw msra a Kla quire of the undersigned who knows all abl Jn G1 AwUMAfvceCTj aMSUVCa ft 1 Western Mass insurance Co PITTSIELD Capltal Stock 1500002 This Company insures real and person al property against loss or damage by fire on favorable Gains Burnap Wellington Tyler! Thomas Colt Charles Owen William Carson Harrison Garfield Asa Russell Wheeler Theodore Pomeroy Socrates Souter GAluS burnap roident GOODHIDOX Stomwfn OnAn8ran2 riode to RAN DOLPH LADD Agent at Springfield Maoa CONWAY STOCK AND MUTUAL ire Insurance Co CONWAY MASS tiv Canitnl ftlfartrhrtrh THIS company which has been in ope ration for more than five years continues to in te 8afr of baildlnK8 and their contents and vessels port or on the stocks against hazard by fire either upon the stock or the mutual principle at standard rates i vBS 8 Whitney Asa Howland Ed mund Burke Hamilton ranklin Childs Con way Wait Ben ent Ashfield Lewis Bodman WB hamsburg Bowdoin Springfield William McGilvray Boston A Bullen Northampton: Josiah Allis Whately xr JAMES WHITNEY' 1 fJoSBPH Spragub 1 made to RAN at Springfield Mass A Jy30 Insurance i 255rfe Cainuaay OfSpnatfiM Mass Office City Hotel Blaik Capital Stock 8WJ00? Continue to insure against ire au the hazards of Mne and Inland Navigation on the most favorable terms dibxotobs: JTC0IDu Chester Chapin Andrew Huntington Edward Southworth Jacob Merrick Daniel Harris Charles Memam Real Estate WUUMb OR RRNT Raauo it iles Rheumatism Rheum Scalds It Sore Nipples Sore Throats I Sourvy ooverea lor coiqb vuuguB wuwpiug uuugu croup i oorejieaas asthma and consumption Certificate of cures may Glandular Swellings Ulcers i i be found in the Circulars and the world is challeiged I Bumbago 'v Wounds 1 to produce such cures as are effected by faithfully us Bold at Vf Proftssi luff ihxd uiieap unupieMUDi luxury uiauuiaciurea Dv I wuy vurn oubmaU Mtepets SI TTTTrTKR fc 4 llfinn Taba Rnafnn Moca I also DV all rePeCiaOJe Dmircrkfc nril T1 Man lorn! Wm Renne General Wholesale Agent 'for New I throughout the United States inn of the effeq York the Western Middle and Southern States cents 87 cenw and 81 50 each To be inlying a saccha Sold by Druggists and Merchants generally through prnoiiP Drug Houses in the like that elabor out the country also by the Manufacturers Na 4 a saving Wilson Lane Boston Mass s216mo I target pee In Throat and 2 NB Dilutions for the mldanAirK'tlvtntbefiah PORT ATITK 'ENGTNTCK Xr everY eacffl combination vnk Ji1 a BEISS HAVEN Agentsedical proleesiori ML AUAAKf AUG DUMPvaawao fcV VOulA mo ar I una VlOinily tention of those in want of steam power of various I and of both Portable and Stationery Engines We have on hand engines of various denominations namely four six eight fifteen horse power and are building engines of larger class We have on hand severs! Portable Engines of four horse power of the best quality with steam guage and Jua on's patent governor valve whieh for utility cannot be surpassed saving steam and governing the machine with perfect accuracy We can also turn ish circular saw mills and portable gristmills' shafting belting steam guages Shop near the depot 7 a 't CARPENTER A CO 1 Springfield Dec tfd OIL CAKE AND EED 5000 Lbs Pure Oil Cake fine ground 10 Tuns ine eed and Shorts 10 Tuns Ryeeed and Bran 3000 Lbs Buck Wheat lour 200 Barrels lour on consignment which will be sold very low for cash No 5 Union House mhlS dawtf PARKRB SAE COMPANY 119 I PE4RL STREET NEW This Com pany is offering or sale Impenetrable ire and Burglar Bates Bank Vaults Vault Doers with frames ail cf which are made on an entire new principle be ing composed of wrought and chilled cast iron with out seam or ection rivet or screw for the ingenious burglar to open or remove Patented July 1851 These SA Is ES have received the irst Premium over all other SAES NOW IN USE when put ia comveti ionviz: New York State air American Institute ranklin Institute Philadelphia Maryland Institute Baltimore and Crystal Palace the banktag community of Office 1st floor Pynchon Bank block Springfield New Vork have adopted Sat cur Ca Dl tai 1 nnnn ug me paat year ana mty nave a lair represent oa in other states which is conclusive evidence that are the beet Safes in the world Mercantile irms eurance Companies and Jewelers have not beetfun mindtul of their superiority overother Safes and have purchased freely feeling that they were the only UVpVtmVl 1U1 XllJDUy Ji tiler VaiUU 18 against fire and burglars Also for sale 1 rtro rl copper smith 1 uoua 14UOU1U aiUKKIM Aoent Arrive nt Nashua andLowell st 835 8 5 a in 115 110 'nt Groton Arrive at 5 Junction Worcester 750 a 905 iaou bo 535 650 'CONNECTIONS WITH OTHEKi J5 tv Saving at Nashua connect directly withYS TS "of Concord Boston Concord and Montreal orthern Passumpsic and Vermont Central Railroads All trains from Nashua connect directly with down trains from the' above named roads Eachtirmto and from Groton Junction connects wnnr iwara ana aownwara trains of the itchburg Railroad and with all trains of the Stonv Brook Rail road to and from Lowell At Worcester 630 a train connects with Steam ooat train from York via Norwich 1115 a con nects with Boston and Worcester Providence and Worcester Norwich and Worcester and Western Rail road trains 415 connects with trains from all Dove named roads including the express train from new i utjl eaa aiuauy xrain arriving at a connects with the a trains of all the above roads including express train to New York and Albany That arriving at 155 with trains of above roads That arriving at 650 with the New York steamboat train via Norwich i ITCHBURG AND WORCESTER TRAINS Running in connection with Worcester and Nashua trains Leave a 1240 and 530 Leave Worcester at b30 and 1115 a and 415 TRAINS run daily each way between JLhe Junction hua Lowell and be stated in 'ons witti the other roads at Wor nassengers or anl Nashua see Snow and lei 1854 60969375 at Worcester for Bur not permit she couti for each paso place during the wintef" one mile and Dr and the ladj dred and with her and they firAdlvL i go down himself cordinglyv 0 cceot with all ruurces havebfif this road at745 a nis cbampton and Way i Seip mad 830 A 45 a Phinnnrn olia r4 IE LBAVBM' and2 30 for Springfield at OCO'A aid 630 Northampton for Springfield at 610 IV 80 515 i GreenflajXctive of more 930 J5 a And PfcRty to the roadways ana and The feeble condition 1 indered the tracks peculiarsJi connecting with i for South Had ey allsand Mt Holyoke Seminary Stages leave Northampton lor Amherst Easthampton and Williamsburg Stages lea ve South ueer field for Ashfield and Conway from tbe 200 train Stage leave Greenfield for Shelburne alls Coleraine and Charlemont from the200 train BRIG Gb Master of Transportation 5 bia dtf track'd! YORK AND NEW hid buried unu EN RAILROAD Summer shore of the greawing May 15 1854 Terror speedily haven fob wbw yokk he felt the whole guilrid 1015 a and 4 30 and putting his passengers from the Point Levi at the Dan he At 935 a and i10 wife '35 a train receives passengers from the iford Springfield New London end Canal Rail roads at New Haven and from the Naugatuck Rail road at Bridgeport stopping at Bridgeport Nnrwnlk and Stamford The 110 train receives passengers from the Hartford Springfield New London ana Canal Rail roads at New Haven from the Housatonic Railroad at Bridgeport stopping at Bridgeport Norwalk and Htamtora At 150 (tn connection with Express train from Boston) stopping at Stamford At 925 ra stopping at Bridgeport Norwalk and Stamford Special Thais leaves Norwalk at 6 a for New York Housatonie Railread Passengers for Housatonic Railroad will take the a train to Bridgeport Danbury and Norwalk Railroad PMsengers for the Danbury and Norwalk Railroad will takerihe 645 and 935 a and 430 trains to Norwalk TBAIMB EOM HBW YOBK OB WBW HAVB1C At 7 and 130 Am and at 410 and 515 phe 41OP train is Express to Greenwich At 8 a and 4 for Boston via New Haven Hartiord Springfield and Worcester the 8 a stopping at Stamford and Bridgeport the at Stamford only 1 The 8 a train connects with Housatonic Nauga tuck CanUL and New London Railroads Local Expbbsb to connect with Naugatuck and T'tydon At 800 stopping at Norwalk and Bridgeport The 7 a Accommodation and 410 trains connect with Danbury and JNor walk Railroad at Nor Niw Haven Naugatuck Railroad Bridgeport and Nor walk Special Trains Leave Bridgeport for New Haven at 645 a re ceivingpassengeraat Junction from Naugatuck fiait road from WBterbury Leave Norwalk at 340n'm from Leave New Haven at 1015 a and 5 30 rnr advcrtl8emeEt toe Station Houses Vice Pres fc Office 37 Canal St New Yr Commencing Nov 13 1854 hailroad Passenger trains leave Palmer for New London 815 a (or on arrival of 715 a train field) and pm (or on arrival of and connecting fitw London with trains for New Haven and New York and steamers for New York Stonington and Mretio Leave New London at 815 a and 2 30 necting with express trains for WorcesteTitogton0 banyand Springfield are to New York 8300? 'CClM I CT 3 New London Nov 10 1854 THE PILLS To the Citizens of the United I most humbly and sincerely thank you for the im mense patronage which you have bestowed upon my Pills I take this opportunity of stating that my An cestors were all American Citizens and that I enter tain for all that concerns America and the Americans the most lively sympathies so much so that I original ly compounded these Pills expressly to suit your cli mate habits constitutions and manner of Irving in tending to establish myself among you which 1 nave now done by taking premises in New York THOMAS HOLLOWAY 38 Corner of Ann and Nassau streets New York Purlflcation of the Blood AND it Extraordinary in its power over diseases The Citizens of the Union suffer much from disorders No matter of how long sold ni of the Liver and Stomach acarcalv anv taa from iThnooia VUG rUUUUUWU Vi LUUOU UCnUUUUVB IIIXIHIIIKK ilKIlUHllIt 1 A fl A A f'l HAS wears fast The fair sex nerhans the moot handowne rrT vr in the World up to a certain period when distressing ton geni to say many lose their teeth and good looks while yet in the heyday of life such sad evils may be effectually remedied by continually keeping the blood pure and I LUKE OR the Liver and Stomach in a healthy action when life ROLT will flow smoothly and resemble plants in a congenial 1 1 clime where an eternal spring appears to reign As it Vnlonr regards the preservation of the human frame and the I ou have done me the honor as with one voice from duration of life much may be effected and I say fear I on5 enJ Union to the other to stamp the char lessly that health and life can be prolonged for many aoter with your approbation It ia yearn beyond their ordinary limits if Pills I two years since I made it known among you are taken to purify the blood according to the rules I it has obtained more celebrity than any laid down for health contained dn the directions whicb I otoer Medicine in so short a period accompany each box JI THOMAS A CASE WEAKNESS 'and DEBILITY dl 10 TEARS STANDmOCUBED BI HOL ABTONIBB JK CO ATTEB Copy of a Letter from Captain John Johnson? Astor I Copy of a Letter from Mr JY Lcngley of Huntsvilla House New York dated January 5th 1854 I Yadkin County North Carolina dated No To bofbsbob Holloway 38 corner of Ann and vemtur 1st Nassau streets 1 READ HIS OWN WORDS It is with the most heartfelt pleasure I have to To Pbofessob Holloway inform you that I have been restored to health and It is not my wish to become notorious neithey strength by taking your PUls or the last ten years is this letter written for the mere sake of writing but I suffered from a derangement of the Liver and Stom to say that your Ointment cured me of one of the mosS ach and was reduced to such an extremity that I gave dreadfill cutaneous diseases that flesh is heir to and up my Ship never expecting to go to Sea any more as which was considered by all who knew me to be en 1 had tried everv remeav that was recommended me but all to no purpose and had given myself up to I was afflicted with one of the most painful and trou despair when I was at last recommended to take your bfesome sore legs that ever fell'to the lot of man and Puls After aung them for three months the result is alter trying every medicine I had ever heard of Ire that I am now in Detter health than I have been for I signed in despair all hope of being cured but a friend years past and indeed as well as ever I was In I brought me a couple of large pots of your Ointment my Into You are quite at liberty to make this known I which caused the sores on my legs to heal and I en ter the benefit of others I tiiely regained my health to my agreeable surprise and Sir yours respectfully i delight and to the astonishment of my friends (Signed) JOHN JOHNSON (Signed) LANGLEY These eelebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the ANKXTTtAORniNARYCUREOy AWAn RttirAR' TOUOWing complaints I WHEN NEARLY AT THE POINT nffTlKATW xnaigesuj i Jaundice I of Letter from Mr Durant New Orleans Na Liver Complaints I vember 1853 iles To Pbofbssob Holloway 88 Corner cf Ann and Retention of Urine I Nassau Streets New York Scrofula or Evil Dear It is with heartfelt gratitude I have to in Stone and Gravel I form you that by the use of your Ointment and Pills Seoondary Symptoms I the life of my wife has been saved or seven years Venereal Aflecticns I she had a baa breast with ten running wounds (not of Worms of all kinds I a cancerous nature) 1 was told that nothing could Weakness from whateve eave her she was then induced to use your Ointment cause I and Pills when in tbe short space of three months I they effected a perfect cure to tne astoniehmRnt nV I who knew ns Wa nhialneri WAY 88 Corner of Ann and Nassau streets New Messrs Wright A Co of Chartres street New Orleans York also by all respectable Druggists and Dealer I send this from Hotel des Paris although in Medicines throughout the United States in Boxes I bad written it at New Orleans before we flnaliv left at 874 cents 87 cents and 8150 each To be had at that time not knowing your address at New York' Wholesale 0 the principal Drug Houses in the Union (Signed) duant laS i8 oonai5eraWe takto the The ills should be used conjointly with the OintmflBA if Directions for the guidance of patients in I 111 most of the following cases every disorder are affixed to each Box I BLISS A HAVEN Agents for Springfield gad Breasts ami vtoinity i "'i dl6 eowdly (f I Burns I Bunions ti Over 100000 Boxes Sold in 5 Months I Chilblatas 1 1 Chapped Hands UUMrUUlNL a 11 Uxl Contracted and Stiff Joints Skin Diseases ixjzkngr me Great uemeay is at Last JJ18 fistuias nnvared tor nnldA oontrhs whooninir oonirh nrnnn I Gout astbma ana consumption vertuicate 01 cures may HAVEN Agentsidfoal prbieesioii Ahe people Rener "OH SI CI AN cent meeting of pysiciahs held VtaK traa nnanimAnBlv acvVAAl 4 of names with their significant titles whiXT the leading features of tbe different mode an( Mineral or Drs Church ksale af a low Chaffee Adams Vaille itch LambejBQELOWu Bridgman McClean Smith' Burgess and Breck Eclectic Botanic or PMWUt CVM Hooker Owen and Kibbv: homeonat 7 and Collins ITZ See large and valuable lot olX? ler between Worthington and ort in thfa iSf nearlY 0PP08ite the Hartford reight houre in this city Apply tor p4 A KURT BOARDINGHOUSE for RENTflBML of the double Boarding House cn WW WBMIM MIT UUr 3 rr lor Poston desirabk city and can be used either as a private residence or a tajarding house Inquire of ku homer OOT oXi tf NCE AND RAILROAD Summer Passenger and 420 5m "£15 a and 400 Providence connects Jmmodation train from Boston Lubany which leaves Worcester nt vf riYal at Springfield passengers can I Iains for New York or Albany ar cr at and Albany in time to 11 1 the evening express train for Buffalo and uttA tratatflso eonnects with trains of the Norwich for Norwich the Worcester and Nashua Railroad Manchester Concord Ao for itohtorX to itchburg and Worcester Railroad tkT Bellows alls k1? traiP from Providence connects at afternoon accommodation trains of 411 toe above mentioned roads and a ihniz express trains for New York and A IeaTe Worcester at 885 and 530 VVorcelr? trom Providence connects at toe accommodation train for Spring ntsnJd and Northampton which leaves Wor ltl the Steamboat train fnr VnAr wlo stations on the Western Raa lav at WowXTl vreesier ana opringneid to avoid de take the 715 a or 420 pm Providence Worceatir tdhJJl train om Worcester connects at tralna from A1 Nor tchburg Nashua and Lowell ta TpKSO mT Ue wiil with the afternoon trains for Boston boats? wiTelfordlU Biver and with steam toPall River and Newport 1 Worcester connects at YortTXTe with the express train which leaves New from air 01 and the accommodation tn in trains Also with the mid day accommodation Md Loweti Springfield itchburg Nashua oott with the Borton and New York steam 1Qr New York via Stonington nd this and trains from Providence conuMt trains from Worcester of the Norfolk County Bail At i These trains also connect wfrh tale for Slatersville at aoheHorart Douglass and Whitinsville at with coaches for Grafton Center New Eng Th uPton and Millford a' train from Providence connects at th yith ooaches for Millford froit for Buffalo Cleveland De be procured at the GCket Office in Providence ISAAC SOUTHWICK May 18 18M' MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT Everv land has hailed with Xtacy this preparation whose Intrinsic merits has intrniinneil if a' Curative nowers to the nnttoe nf the' whATefl American neonle Rheumatism nflnna HnW Neuralgia with its tortures have yielded to iW Magical influence cancers contorted joints TTliwrAtari ond ownllon Kwikoiknl Suffered for years under the weight of disease pirn by its application to suppleness and health 1 4 A remedy of such general usefulness that can restore 1 Newness of action to the diseased nerves arteries and Glands of the human body is worthy of high praise Let tbe rheumatic halt lame and palsied Invalid examine its qualities and they will 1 Not be disappointed Years of study and 1 Investigation have enabled the proprietors of the Mexican Mustang Liniment to furnish a remedy Extraordinary in its power over diseases 1 inmnn BRAGG A CO Proprietors 304 Broadway 11 DW flS Hotels steasaafleggrA TH In surance COMPANY with a can! tai of $400000 invested according to law hereby ae notice that they continue to insure against los or damage by fire in Springfield and the viciidty on dwelling houses factories churches stores me vfian dize and machinery as also against the perils of the not exceeding £30000 on any one risk CHARLES CARTWRIGHT £amubii Gould Apply to HENRY STERNS 611 1yd 1 HARTORD LIE INS Cq HARTORD CONN and Surplus 400000 JAMES DIYON EL JL MIXiIjER Secretary 1 i XJfe risks taken nn fhA Mninoi av qiaav the option of the insured Mutual nates are the same as the English tables and the rates of best Mutual Com panies in this country Stock rates reduced from fif teen to thirty three per cent Risks taken for Austra lia California and Oregon Applications received and policies renewed A BURT Agent Office at Hutchinson Chaffee opposite Hump den Hail jy26 ly Hampden Stock and Mutual 7 IRE INSURANCE: COMPANY 1 IrtrtlVMT aw A Al OP DEAL Persons desirous UlORRENT AT Two A over the Post Office One has been i GEORGE WAT KKR Traveling WMijjl BOSTON ALBANY andWtoto TROY WESTERN commencing Monday Dec 11th 1 Passenger Trains leave Boston as follows 1 Way Stations (Acc) at ah? Tork (Express) 800 a in Eor toany and Way Stations (Acc 11 50 i or New York (Expss) 280 pm PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WORCESTER JG BUW0 andWay Stations (Acc)at! or nrt nTfl IbiRlldbanX' (Express) 930 orew 1 OjVO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE SRINGELD ar 1215 aDd I iJor 'W orocster 'Boston 775 (am ii aa (Express) 150 (Acc mjr PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE ALBANY at8a trTrnl WS at? lbany with the New Cen and Hnd0on River Railroads Corners with the Harlem and Hud son and Berkshire Railroads at State fina wifh Railroad at Pittsfield with tbe ani' Stockbridge and Pittsfield H2ad8i 2 Springfield with the Hartford1 New Haven ana Springfield and Connecticut River Rail at with the New London Palmer and Hnlmanl10wairoad at Worcester with the Provi de acdWorcester Worcester and Nashua Nor wich and Worcester Railroads dlltfd HENRY GRAY LmiininijMj HARTORD AND NEW RAILROAD WINTER AR nth Onnran! after Monday December Tfoiro: 8 aaUy LEAY3 SPRINGIELD 700 a Accommodation Train for NewHaveni on SeW and Way Stations 1120 a Impress Train for Hartford Middletown cw uaven ana ew 180 Accommodation Train for New TTyen nr New York andWay Stations 6 05 Express Train for Hartford Middletown uuuvuuu aienaen ew xtaven and NewYork 810 Accommodation forHartford only LBAVB HARTORD GOING' SOUTH At 808 a 'Accomodation 1210 Express 245 Accommodation 655 Express GOING NORTH At930 a Accommodation 7230 Ex press 830 535 Ac eom3odi 730 mifixpreas NEW HAVEN 'At755 Accommodation lil a Ex pm A ccoiiimodstiGu ai 610 i spress Trains leave New Haven for New York on the arrival irom Dpnagtiuu and Hartiord MIDDLETOWN RAILROAD TpSips leave Middletown for Berlin at 800 a llHia jn 225p and 630 pm RETURNING Leave Berlin for Middletown at 900 a 1 308 and 715 pm Connecting each way with trains of Hartford and New Haven Railroad REED Superintendent ay tf SEVERAL VALUABLE RES JyIDENCES and building lots for salein different parts of the city Alsofarmsandcountrybiuld ng sites a short distance from the city Inquire of iAV A RTTTJ'T At the Agency Office of the Hartford Life Insurance Co Hampden Block mhl8 OR SALE AT A BARGAINU a Brick Cottage Hcwe situated in Chicopee on School Street near the corner of Dwight oon I rooms conveniently arranged substan tially built and in good repair with a barn and a va riety of fruit and ornamental trees on tne premises The subscriber will also sell his entire stock of goods no win store at his well known stand to any one wish ing to purchase this is a rare chance for any one to make money with a small capital or further par ticulars inquire of W1LLEY OR SALE OR large two stories dwelling house Carriage shop Blacksmith shop ana Engine shop Barn ana vut vuuuiugs ouuaings are new and in good re pair having been built only 6 or 7 years situated in the town of Hinsdale about 20 rods from the Wes tern railroad depot the facility for getting inmhar la not surpassed in New England It is a flourishing village having 3 Wooten Milla in anniaaotol and another large mill now hnitotoZ XbTbTn auumcr tinner is very much wanted in this place The subscriber would rent the shops at a low price and would have no objection to taking an interest in the business with a good indus trious man who understands his business or further particulars enquire of the subscriber on the premises Jyl9 tf HUBBARD Jr mu Important information to The subscriber (late Agent of the Patent Oflloenn der the Act ofl837) determined to present advantages in applying for Patents superior to those offered invent ors by others has made arrangements whereby on ap mcauons preparea ana conauctea py turn itUKl I I naid hack others I will be remitted by him in case oi failure to obtain a patent and the withdrawal through him within thirty days after the rejection Caveats Specifications As signments and all necessary papers and drawings for procuring patents in this and foreign countless pre firfl inuanfiAnc onri 1n4ftrrvomcr4a wx4 ents aawwb AMOOVW VUlttUU riALUiCB CCU Wiucn WE Will I a a A Ax manufacture to order omell at tho inwAflf AAivcuiivro uau jhh uuiy uere uuiain ineir specmva i martimar attention paidoimninad hanging I 1 avai ivtaiTia ni uiuiiteuiYCD ui me Auei leuutj ui Mj veanp nracT ioH an I tinuance and increase of public patronage is respect I exien81v oi legai ana mecnanicai works and folly solicited respect correct accounts of patents granted in this and otb counines owiaes oemg savea a journey to wasnn ton the'usual great delay there as well as all personal orld air PremluiUBe I trouble in obtaining their patents Copies of claims I liixULK PK1ZK MEDALS i eignments recorded at Washington KHBDDYSolMtortrU ited by the subscribers at the Crystal Palace In mak I 1 During the time I occupied the office of Commission ing the above announcement they would take this op er of Patents EDDY Esq of Boston did busi portunity to return their thanks to their numerous I ness at the Patent Office as Solicitor for procuring friends for the extensive and liberal patrongae hereto I Patents There were few if any persons acting in extended to them and assure them that no pains I that capacity who had so much business before the shall be spared to sustain the flattering reputation al I i Patent Office and there were none who conducted it ready attained In order to meet the greatly increas I with more skill fidelity and success I regard Mr ed demand for their Instruments they have added I Eddy as one of the best informed and most skillful largely to their manufacturing facilities which they I Patent Solicitors in the United States and have no trust willenable them in ftature to promptly meet eve I i hesitation in assuring Inventors that they cannot em ry demand ploy a person more competent and trustworthy and hand an assortment of very superior ME more capable of putting their applications in a form tc LODEONS of every style and at lowprices I secure for them an early and favorable consideration GBOVESTEEN fc TRUSLOW at the Patent Office EDMUND BURKE Broad New York (Adjoining St Nicholas 1 1 Late Commissioner of Patents a a 1 1 Patent Office Premiums were awarded by the American I Eddy Esq Boston Mass Institute to their five years in succession i Your facilities for the prosecution of fliiy a216m I business connected with thia office are ennal to thonnnt I any other agent 'I am very respectftiUy yours Ac te5vSi2VS 86a xjUja ERRE Dentists i over the Clothing Rt nrc nfUAwoyi II n8 a 5 THE IBOOK filNDERY Pi cure for Consumption Coughs Colds Asthma Bron li bfbingfield mass ohitis General Debility ana all Scrofulous Hnmnra Is fast gaining public faVor for thosa interested are Have you tried it? This important question should bt beginning to understand that some things can be done Bogata ta it COMPOUND COD LIVER OIL AND Infant city as well as in the small towns of New LIME! It will not nauseate like the plain Oil but it York end Boston or in those nearer home narkable aid to the healing properties of the Pure Cod or headed are equal to those of any establish Llver OiL as the folloxtag certificates (selected from I ment in city or country and all we ask of our friends a host or like grateful acknowledgments) will amply and the public generally is to give us a trial and we show Nojperson should neglectfor a single hours we Couch or tiny affection of the lungs lest themost seri convince them that it is for their taterest on the ous consequences follow Dr preparation if I score of economy as well as that of obtaining good both safe simple and sure in all ordinary oases and work to patronize home manufacture rather than to has performed some surprising cures in decided con I a a sumption where ordinary medical aid has failed: abroad for their boqks 4 rrtre Db During nearly the whole of the past We are almost daily makings winter I had suffered seriously with a cough which LATENT ACflOllNT rooks admittedfe dfear ofonsum Bank Insurance Officer Manufacturing trouble as the Spring weather set in Medicine seem Companies and Merchants ed to afford me little relief until 1 tried your prepara To whom we should be glad to refer those interested wdbj fac to adiffitj wm almt mScandlhM' 8amPle8 of our work We would earnestly invite the pleasure ot saying at this writing (May 2d 1553 those? about to procure books to give us a call before I am entirely free from any pulmonary trouble I sending abroad believing that we can furnish as good oolllv recommendUit to tKwho a aprice as can be obtained any MARTTX TTURD Borton where thus making it for their pecuniary interest to Dear My tittle dangb patronize home trade and giving them also the ter eleven years old having been declared to be in a I satisfaction of contributing to the Eupport of wtat is Consumption I resolved as a last resort to try Cod a public convenience and should be a matter of pride Liver Oil This in its simple state my daughter could I a a not retain upon her stomach and It was found on each good reliable bindery in their midst trial to be too nauseating to remain' A friend sug 1: Our machinery for doing work is mostly new con gested to me that your preparation of Cod Liver Oil silting in part of a irst Class Job Ruling Ma and Ltms oould be given without causing this nausea nmNR and Patent cutting MAGuiNna procured a bottle with little hope that my child chine ana latent cutting machines and Pa would be permanently benefitted by it but was grati I tbnt Paging Machine besides a ver large collec fled to find she could takeitwithout nausea and retain tionof all the tools requisite for doing work of every been used a manifest improvement was apparent in 011(1 to none in experience and skill and as for our my health and nowshe is so completely re we warrant that to give sat! faction in ail esses In addition to Blank work we are prepared to do attends school I consider it my duty to makethes I foots known YoUrs Ao maria ttansQN any and every descrlptien of Binding from full Gilt 1 ix a Dover Street Boston Extra Morocco and calf down to the plainest i These two simple testimonials are sufficient to sho styles We always have samples on hand to which of healta we would invite the attention of those having books qualities pleasant to the taste and sure in effect that such maybe had in Compound of Cod Idvw of any iind toe services of a binder We Oil and Lime Manufactured only by I are prepared to furnish estimates for doing up all BviLBOB Chemist I kinds of edition work and would invite those interest I or eMe to bOCTfBBINNo in Book making to let us show them how cheep Union Kouanf Green 1 and well we can do np anything in that tine i CJAMUEi InwTirft nnMP any I IbwmocI 'tAnsaV Tnfa nfttl Yfdkvra I iTifitijlg nhHahmanl Rftfltftn ErTO rPu Kr A AND NEW Leaving Hartford KORD On and after Monday Mav 22 the Hartford and Granite State will run afon nCit ot The City of Hartford CaptD A nrtfd every TeMy Returning leave New York daiiw E' at 4 pm 1 nese are new nrsi eieamers ne nvrAw hnrthrn built exnresalv tor thia state room accommodations and every modernim provement for promoting the safety comfort and ure of passengers 1 leaving Springfield by the 2 tf train will be in tune to connect with this Line Th i ing Springfield by the 12 express train will have time to dine in Hartford This route will be found both safe and areenhi much the cheapest to and from New YtirY areCabta i orward Deck oq HartforHMn VI lea tadh I A mo CAPITALISTS 7LT MTiT I uXxA'uinaLLVVD I ier from the Legislature of Penn with a capital of 8500000 propose to establish in the village of Brigh ton Beaver Co Pa a number of URNACES and an extensive ROLLING MILL with the necessary ma chinery and apparatus for the production of Bar Iron A 7 CVx 1 4Px a 7 uw i7un naus apiaes ac sfc ana assoon as practi cable a Mill for Railroad Iron LOwaras the accomnlishment of thin nhfont Willing to furnish the wmfrivr A ttwcjttt? a ivriv A ATT? the works together with the necessary amount of wa fij nrn KryaAr 1 ter power the privilege of getting coal iron ore fire Tu 300000 clay building stone timber tea all of which thev I paid and invested in stocks and real estate Insure have in great abundance also dwellings mechanic st damage by fire on favorable terms 11 rLlh? mechanic I Rmrri I A Alexander Secretary the foregoing recommendations made by my late col leagues WM ITZGERALD 2 jy3 eodly Late Principal Examiner of Patent or canal sixty feet Wide for the more convenient and JO! OICERS I TNTTRD STATES AMT) A HJbwAA4 a 4 WT ZX I VAXAAXAAI iMUU3srv Jrres'1 I KJ ATKNT No 89 State st Boston so WRiob Secretary Pynohon Treasurer SAMUEL COOPER late Chief Examiner in the Uni dibeotorb ted States Patent Office procures Patents in thin and George Ashman EnbnimW RnA'iTr: I oreign Countries John Mills Jr Warner Ri The undersigned Principal and An Wm Calhoun Koger Moore sistant Examiners in the United States Patent Office William Rice John Hamilton I have for several years been well acquainted with Mr Philos Tyler John Stebbins I Samuel Cooper lately a Principal Examiner in this Joseph Pynchon Edward Moseley Office and take pleasure in stating that he is a gentle Harvey Danks Joshua Clapp I man of the highest moral character of unquestioned George Rice I knowledge in the business and practice of tne Office executive committee i I that his scientific attainments are such as emtaent Moore Warner 1 Bond ly fit him for the business in which bout to en iydaw il yuaw Henry Renwick Gale Lane Principal Examiners Pealb Thos Everett Southgate Smith Wm Chaunoy Langdon Assistant Exam iners rom long acquaintance and intimate official rela shops and vacant lots for the occupancy of operatives 1 1110 8 Kiplby Vice i tions with Mr Cooper I frilly and heartily concur in ana oinere io excavate a large and commodious race or canal sixty feet wide for the more convenient and HARVEY DANK8 Agent abundant supply of water and for the passage of Agency Office No 8 Block SpnngfieldMass boats to and froin the works and to erect suitable lydaw87 'which to carry on the contemplated man I PATENTS Suchound water power erections irnprovemente A SHERMAN AMERICAN AND OREIGN OICE and privileges they propose to put in as so much capi AW CO would respectfully inform their friends and oth U' Office Wash tai and it is hoped that other parties with some capi I the public that they have rembved from their old I tagton No 76 State St opposite Kilby St Boston Lraacal ana mechanical experience stand (West State Street) to 5 and 54 BURT'S will be found ready and willing to supply the machin I BLOCK Main St where with enlarged and more I uhu apuruuii oi tne vvuvcmcunauuiueBiucy areenauieu lomanuiactureto working cash capital This Company is willing to con order and keep on hand oftheir own and other manu tnoute any reasonable uronortion from nne fourth I facture much larger stook three fourths of the whole capital required for each has heretofore been kept in this city Purchasers will I has inade arrangements wherebyon ap particular branch of business as it is their determina at all times find a full assortment of all kinds of ur by him THmi tion to afford every possible aid and facility to those I niture from the richest and most elegantly carved I (instead of twty as paid tack by others) wno laenuiy tnemseives with this enterprise and they arlor and Drawing Rcom Suits in Rose wood Black accordingly offer equally liberal inducements for the Walnut and Mahogany to the more common kinds establishment of many other branches of American man 1 that may be wanted We shall keep constantly on ufactures not above enumerated especially those which hand a large assortment of all kinds of Upholstery tAYWl tA tllA mnWA A Crt AYl ciivrz iArrdrtvrv A Al 1 I OmJ TY' storxsby which their posses sioia is surrounded and tteir part of own grounds ho riohiv pYtjniiiufiinnorvaior4 qaa I And ivtuaHti Curtaina rxrkizi avh xx I tera respect Jig inventions and infrinitements nat multiplication and extension of Iron manufactures nices Tasaels Curtain ixtures which we will 4' 1 manufacture to order or sell at the lowest crices laevomnanv are now their rfattni 7 wt Cuu UBUKCUK ana jj touring iviu ana are willing to rent to practical curtains which will be done at short notice A con AAA icepuuDiUlU UttA LAUD C1LUCT ur UOlil Tor a Yftrm nt years and upon liberal that their own attention may be more particularly directed to the establishment ana prosecution of other branches some of which have been enumerated and to which they would add the building of locomotives earn OTniiihnwPa find naMinrfiO and the making of pottery glass fire brick Ac for txtVi is fhmr rra (kn a 4 a a 1a AX 1 nxxxvxx vxxvzjr uat oiuuxuilfllB UpUU ItiCU UWU grOUtiQ in great perfection and abundance The flouring mil: is capable of making 200 barrels of flour every 24 hours or 300 barrels of kiln dried corn meal upon the most approved plan for either of which grain is abundant being brought by canals railroads and rivers to the door of the mill Post paid letters addressed to the Agent will receive prompt attention REERENCES PERSONS IN THE EAST wishing to know more of this matter and of the parties composing the Com pany are respectfrilly referred to Wilson Hiram Walbridge and ChestenBedell of the city of New York: John ebold Esq Philadelphia John Thompson Esq Banker Wakefield Rhode Island Baldwin Davis and James Voorhess Esqs city of Syracuse Or to Wheeler Truesdell Esq agent of the Company at the office of the late United States Branch Bank New Brighton Beaver county Pa Mr Truesdell is prepared to show the property in all its details with maps plats descriptions terms conditions and fu ture prospects of the Company also to make con tracts leases deeds Ac WESTERN REERENCES to the property and ti tie etterman and Edward Simpson Esqs Pitts burg Thomas Cunningham Esq Beaver Beaver county Pa Baker Esq Economy Beaver Co Pa Dr Charles Whippe New Castle Lawrence Co Pa Archibald Robertson Esq Brighton Beaver Co Pa GOULD Secretary W50EELEB TRUESDELL Agent Of the Manufacturing New Brighton Beaver Co Pa MULTIPLICATION AND EXTENSION IRON MANUACTURES We have within the last few months seen frequent allusion to a new plan by which mineral coal and iron are converted at once into wrought iron without passing through the more tedious and expensive steps into and from the pig metal state as now generally practiced in the United States This new process appears to be gaining fovor rapidly In various parts of our country It was first heard of at Newark New Jersey then at Cincinnati then at Cleveland next In Wisconsin now in our immediate vicinity Pittsburg and We have seen tne process and witnessed the results We have seen the mineral coal and the crude ore after being crushed or pulverized and mixed in suitable pro portions put into a hopper tike a bag of grain at a country mill and have seen it when sufficiently deox idized by passing through red hot tubes or chambers come forth like so much meal or flour into a common puddling oven at the foot of those tubes or chambers apparently like so much red hot sand and without having been melted from first to last we have seen this iron sand by the mere adhesion and aggregation of ite particle and the spontaneous welding or those articles under the manipulations of a practicle pud ler grow into a compact mass and like a rolling DUVW Uttll UUIUMG WAblA cvcrj lilUJl VU Uic DaZu QI Illg largest pumpkin tWe have seen this Iron pumpkin or ball of red hot metal brought immediately under a forge hammar and in less than five minutes it was converted into a beautiful bloom We have seen the same bloom pass through the rolls and come forth as boiler iron as sheet iron bar iron nai rods Ac Ac and it was all very good An appropriate furnace and puddling oven for this man item ore in ite phbket can in A saw mill or own prem shall turn it of 820 letun ipital of iy" are re wa capi some Ik 9B I 9 1 fc I I 1 4 mi Lan fe ktr lb? HR I I I f'iA iJr 9 9K 0 Kf HR f1 K' i HI th Il i ''Ji I Rl I SM i Ki 'XV1 pl a wRE'' 5 I ill j0EB V' 1 iB i bi KI 7 for iB99 XA' '1 Ti 4 EB 9 (S x' nJ fyi i a xx 1 9 rY k4 I 11 in 12 i i a I.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.